chapter 5

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My alarm blared, making me groan . I turned to the other side and slept off again. Some seconds later, it blared again. I stood up abruptly feeling something liquidy from between my legs, I picked up my phone and checked the date.

"Shit!" I muttered running into the bathroom, hoping there should be some pads in the bathroom. I checked the cabinets and found none, I knew I was done for. I ran back to the room, praying so hard one of the girls would pick up their phones. I picked my phone and ran back to the toilet and sat down on it. Tapping my legs againt the golden tiles, tapping my forehead and waiting for Maryam to pick up. She didnt. I called Nancy, the same thing and also Aisha. I groaned so hard as I felt the pains creeping up to my stomach, I shut my eyes so hard. I was part of the unlucky girls that had severe period cramps. Mine came every morning and night of the whole five days of my period.

I called their numbers again. After trying ten more times I gave up and tried holding the pain, but just couldn't. The tears started falling from my eyes and I almost fell off the toilet seat. I couldn't use tissue either because of the heavy flow I always have.

A knock sounded on the bathroom door and I was beyond happy.

"Whose there?" I asked.

"It's me..... Are you OK?" I couldn't answer. Not only was I stuck here in the bathroom with a severe period cramp, but it had to be Mr shy guy that knocked. Can this day get any more worse?

"Are you OK?" He knocked again.

"Y-yes-s, I'm OK. Can I please get a female attention?" I asked wondering if that was a correct English.

"Um, sure, do you need help with anything?" He asked again.

"Gosh, I need a female!" I couldn't help but snap. The pain was getting unbearable.

"Oh, sorry. I'll look for someone." I heard footsteps retract and I sighed. It didn't take too long before he came back.

"Sorry, but there's no female on seat now, she's running late." I groaned in pain. I just needed to get away from here. "Is there something wrong? Are you OK?" He asked, his tone really caring, but I didn't care and just walked to the bathtub. I needed real help.
"Can you please help me call Aisha?" I asked him.

"OK." He replied. After some unbearable seconds, he answered. "Her phone is switched off." I couldn't help the sob that broke out of my mouth. I felt like dying, I felt like the wall of my uterus was closing up and I'll just die.

"Can you......." I contemplated on if I should ask him, if he even knows what that is.

"Can I?" He asked. I shut my eyes again as another pain struck me, the only thing I needed was a heater.

"Canyoupleasegetmeapad." I said it so fast, even I couldn't understand what I said.

"Huh?" He asked, a genuine confusion lacing had tone.

"Can you please get me a pad?" I asked slow and audible enough. There was silence.

"Um..." He cleared his throat. "Sure, sure." I heard retracting footsteps. I wrapped my hands around my stomach and tears began falling from my face. Not even up to five seconds later he came back. "What kind of um..... Kind of the thing you need?" I bursted out laughing, he couldn't even call the name. I sobered up and closed my eyes, rubbing the tears off my cheek.

"Any one available for heavy flow." I felt really uncomfortable telling him the kind of flow I was having, but I had no choice. "But I'll prefer Always." I added.

"Always what?" I giggled again.

"It's the pads company."

"Oh. I'll get it now, give me some minutes." And he walked away.

I put on the shower and stayed under the skin peeling hot water, I couldn't put it any less than that, because it was soothing my pains little by little.

After some minutes in the hot steaming shower, I heard a knock. I walked out of the bathtub and tied a towel making sure it doesn't have a stain.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Room service, I'm here to give you what you had requested, some pads." I heard a female voice, making me sigh in relief. I opened the door a little and found a light skinned lady standing by the door with a big black bag.

"Thanks, but why do you have that much?" I was really confused.

"Oh, bo- um the mister said I should give you since he doesn't know the ones you need. He got them himself." She chuckled passing me the bag that held different products of pads. It has over 10, if not more.

"What do I do with all these?" I asked Amused. Honestly, I can't use a whole pack, I only need a piece.

"I don't know." She shrugged still grinning. I felt a pain and picked one asking her to pass me my trousers.

Immediately I was done, I walked out of the bathroom and saw the sun peeking from the distance. Arranging my bag, because I needed to be at the hostel in the comfort of my bed to be able to nurse my pains. I picked my bag and sighed, I couldn't walk well. Slightly bending my back for a better position for less pain, I walked out of the room, only to find Shy guy standing by the door. The atmosphere was really awkward but the pain I was feeling couldn't let me stand well and awkwardly.

"Um..... Thanks so much. I'll take my leave now." I said, but he stopped me.

"No.. I'll drop you off. It's too early to find a cab." He said, which I knew was a big lie. In Abuja you could find commercial transport even in the midnight.

"There's gonna be bike- ah!" I was saying but got interrupted by an abdominal tightening pain. Holding the wall for support, I bent down almost getting to the floor when he held my waist.

"Come, I'll drop you off." We walked to the elevator and I rested my back on the wall. Getting to the reception, I tried walking straighter so as to not bring unnecessary attention.


"Thank you so much." I said as I came down from the car. He nodded his head before I began walking away. He dropped me right in front of the hostel, to which he had to bribe the security guard there. I tried so hard not to make weird noises whenever I felt the pain but I just couldn't.

I walked into the hostel, unlocking the door with my set of keys. The girls were all fast asleep, Aisha's leg, dangling out of her covers and Maryam bending in a weird position. Only Nancy slept like a normal being. I walked to my cupboard and picked out one of my black gowns I wore only during periods. I wore it and went to plug water for my heater. After it boiled, I poured it into the rubber bottle and laid on my bed putting it on my abdomen to heat. I slept off not up to five minutes later.

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