Chapter 7.

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Dedicated to friskriel, she is usually the first person to read every chapter I post and I've been wanting to dedicate a chapter to her but I always forget. This is for you friskriel💋💋❤❤

Abdulghaffar's POV

Driving out of her school, I was smiling all through. She is beautiful and I like her. I felt my phone buzzing in my pockets and I brought it out, using one hand to control the steering wheel. I checked the caller id and it was my mom.

"My queen, how are you? Asalamualaikum." I greeted her immediately I picked up the call.

"Walaikumsalam. I'm fine." She replied.

"What did I do this time?" I chuckled as she mostly always call me whenever I did something wrong whatsoever.

"Must you do something before I talk to my son? So you know you're a trouble maker?" She said laughing gently.

"You always call me a trouble maker so.." I replied.

"Well, you need to visit your step mother you know? You're the first child and first son, be respectful." She scolded.

"I would visit her, dont worry." I said just to get off the hook. Honestly I had no business with her, especially my step sisters. Atleast not after what happened the last time. I can get along with my step brother. I decided to just say hi and leave her house.

I got to her house in thirty minutes and parked inside the compound. I got down amd walked to the porch. I knocked and
got answered by her maid.

"Ekasun sir." (Good afternoon sir) She greeted ,bending down a little to show respect.

"How are you?" I asked, walking to the large sitting room.

"Fine sir, should I call mummy?" She asked and I nodded my head. She walked briskly to the masters bedroom,which my step mother occupied. Minutes later, they emerged.

"Good afternoon ma." I prostrated in her front.

"Bawo ni? Its been long you visited oo, are we fighting?" She chuckled and I smiled.

"No ma, I've been busy." I said.

"Ah, OK then. What would you like to have? I can have Misha cook something for you." She asked.

"No it's OK, I just came to say hi. Is Abdul home?"

"He went out, saying he was going to visit his girlfriend. When will we see yours oo, you're the first son of the family." Yep, I didn't want to come in other to not hear this.

"InshaAllah, when the time comes." I replied shortly.

"Well, I can't wait to carry my grand children from every one of you. If only Alhaji was alive." She said her wide smile turning into a sad one.

"May his soul rest in peace and Jannah be his final abode." I prayed for my father. Alhaji Muhammad Adebanjo. A very strict but loving father. Has two wives that get along well enough, though they don't live under the same roof, it's still peaceful. I'm his first son, from his first wife, Alhaja Aisha. I looked just like him same height 6'2 and same dark chocolate skin. While he had short hair, I kept afro, which my mom has always told me to cut.

"Amen. Abdul said he was coming to see you in office, he needs help with some work. I don't know why he wasn't given his share when he's responsible enough, he shouldn't make stupid mistakes." She said taking a sip of her water.

"OK, he should meet me by tomorrow. I'll leave now, I need to finish some work." I smiled as I stood up and bowed a little.

"You're ready going? I feel like you're trying to avoid Aliyah." She said amd truth be told, she was right. Aliyah is my step sister and Abdul's twin sister. Things has happened in the past that I'm sure both of us want it to be in the past where it belongs.

"It's not exactly like th-" I was saying but she cut me off.

"It's exactly like that. The both of you have to let go of the past and forget whatever had happened. What happened has happened." She said standing up. She was a short light skinned woman and very beautiful. She looked up at me and smiled sadly.

We walked out of the house and I entered my car. She poked her head through the window.

"OK, drive safely and greet Alhaja for me." She said and I nodded my head. She moved back and I drove out of her compound. I checked the time and it was time for Zhur. I drove to the near by mosque and prayed. When I was done praying, I drove straight to the office.

"Welcome sir." Anna, the receptionists greeted as I walked inside. I nodded my head and went up the elevator to my office. My secretary also greeted before I asked her to bring some files for me and I entered my office with a 'Bismillah'. I walked to my seat and sat down. She brought the files and walked back out, my stomach grumbled and I decided to order for food, but then my mind drifted to a particular dark skinned beauty. I texted her instead.

"Asalamualaikum, sorry to disturb. Just wanted to ask how you're doing." I typed and hoped I want too formal.

"Walaikumsalam, yes I'm better now, thanks for asking." She replied shortly after.

"Alhamdullilah then, so what are you up to?" I asked scratching my head.

"Nothing much, just had lunch. You?"

"Same here, have some work to do. What did you have for lunch, maybe I could have ideas." I tried picking up a conversation because I  really wanted to talk to her.

"Potato and yam porridge with fried peppered meat." She typed back.

"Sadly, can't have too much pepper. Little to nothing."

"Really, why?" She replied.

"I'm an ulcer patient, I need to be careful with what I eat." She replied, I hope she doesn't feel pity for me. I hated it. 

"Too bad, no peppered meat for you then." She replied and I could imagine the sassy look on her face, making me smile unconsciously.

"I'm gonna try it anyways." I  said adding the shrugging emoji.

"Oh, don't you dare!" I laughed loudly, making my Secretary to rush in, thinking something was wrong but I dismissed her.

"I wont, I won't. Calm down tigress, but what do you suggest I eat then?" I typed back.

"Try fried rice and chicken, less spicy chicken."

"Yes miss." I relied, the smile still on my face.

"And with water, not with soda." She added again.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good boy!" She replied and quickly deleted it but I had seen it. I laughed again but, less loud.

"Really, I'm a good boy?" I  asked, adding the laughing emoji.

"That was supposed to be for my baby cousin." She replied and I knew she was lying. 

"Are you sure?" I could imagine the embarrassed look.

"Yes, we'll talk later? I want to do something." She tried to get away from what she had said and I just played along.

"Sure. Salamualaikum."

"Walaikumsalam." She said.

I looked at my phone for sometime smiling,  before asking my secretary to get what she had suggested for me. I looked at my table and got to work.

Hey guys😔😔😔, I'm not happy oo. My tablet got seized making me have to do extra chores before I can use my mom's phone to type, but I don't feel like typing this book again. I'm not getting the ginger and power to type this like I type my other book, Abiola.

I just need your votes and comments to ginger me wlh. 😞😞. So please.

Or I could leave this book on hold and focus on my other books, the new one and the ongoing one. Choose please. Thanks 😞😞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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