Chapter 14

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SR (Seductive Roes/Evil OoO Bryan's) POV

Tomorrow is the day... tomorrow is when everything we planned happens. They wouldn't think it was us. They trust us. They're so gullible..

Bryan (Fnaf Bryan's) POV

Me and Brianna Were talking about what is going to happen tomorrow.

Me: "I Can't Believe its tomorrow!! Me- Well, We-"

Brianna: "All of us." 

Me: "Yeah! We're All Turning 27!!"

Brianna: "Wow.. Its been almost 3 years since we worked in the Freddy Fazbear Franchise"

Me: "Yeah.. You think we might be able to have a small party with every other Bryan?"

Brianna: "Why say that?"

Me: "I'm pretty sure we all are celebrating our birthdays in our dimensions."

Brianna: "I guess.. wait- would that meant SR, Vile, And Vicky would have their birthday's today too?"

Me: "Yeah seems like it."

Brianna: "Ooo~ I Should talk to the others and see when they have some free time so we can throw a small party!!"

Me: "That'd be fun!"

Brianna: "I'll go talk to others right now! See ya!"

Me: "Bye Brianna!!" 

I was about to leave until I see Vicky come to the meet room.

Me: "Oh hey! You looking for Bri? She Ju-"

Vicky: "Shhh..."

Vicky looks around.

Vicky: "I have a weird feeling that something bad is going to happen... specifically tomorrow.."

Me: "What could go wrong? It should be the best day of our lives tomorrow!

Vicky: "Y-yeah.. I know that but still... I'm going to keep my guard out for any suspicious act.."

Me: "Alright.."

Vicky then leaves. And I go to my dimension.

 Me: Weird.. Why would something bad happen? Especially Tomorrow! 

Brittany (Female Scp) POV

Stuck and empty. I've been stuck in a pitch black room. They beat me up. Kind of like how i got beaten up once in school. I didn't cry, at least, I tried not to. I was weak. I couldn't talk, and I couldn't move. I was chained. I can hear people talking. I'm not sure who.. I just want to be out of here by tomorrow. But there is one thing I Haven't tried yet. But its super risky..

?????: I.... -id what...-old To"

??: "..-d Remember to...... side"

?????: "Yeah Yeah I....."

????: "But, when am.... -ve turn?"

??: "Soon"

?????: "Wha-......... -isoner?"

??: "Oh, Her! We just hav-............"

I passed out right after.

No One (Third Person) POV

Blaze: "... Is it just me or does anyone feel like there is something off about the Evil's..?"

Dee: "Something's always off about them."

Wolfy: "I mean- They are Evil's. Of course there is something a bit strange."

Bryan: "It's probually just you. They can be nice -ish..."

Blaze: "Sorry then? I just find it weird that the Evil's are being not Evil."

Wolfy: "Everyone- well every Bryan- Is weird."

Dee: "Yeah!!"

Blaze: ...So they trust Them? I don't like that they trust them! They're probably in a spell or something like that. Whatever. I just need to make sure that they stop trusting the Evil's... But how would I do that..?"

Blaze goes to his (And Flame's) dimension and starts to pace back and fourth.

Flame: Hey Blaze..? Are you alright?

Blaze: "I-I'm Fine.. I'm just worrying about what could happen tomorrow."

Flame: Don't Worry About It! I Mean, it is our birthdays tomorrow right?

Blaze: "I Guess so.."

Flame: Stop Stressing out, Go to sleep and We'll have fun tomorrow!

Blaze: "Alright.."

Scp's POV

I'm Getting very worried. It's almost been a week and i haven't seen or heard of Brittany! She's like a sister to me! I can't imagine losing her... just like how I lost everyone else.. Also What's with me and getting random headaches! It's really bothering me!! I think the other Bryan's are giving me ACTUAL Headaches..

End Of Chapter

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