Chapter 7

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Olympus (OoO Bryan) POV

This isn't good! The other Me's need to go back cause from what I remember E.B was telling me... He said something about snow affecting the power that makes them stay hidden.. I feel asleep threw most of it..

Me: You Guys come with me!

Me, Kay, Inpu, Few others and Other Me's went to a nearby cave just before the storm arrived.

Bryan: "Flameee!! Come here!"

Flame: Why?

Bryan: "Cause I'm cold and your hot!"

... Thennn it got awkward..

Bryan: *Sudden Realization* He starts to blush hard* "Th-That's not what I mean! It's just you have Fire powers soo Y-you'll be hot cause fire is hot and stuff!!"

Everyone starts to laugh (The other Bryan's)

I put my head on Inpu's Shoulder (Still haven't decided ships but Brypu is Cannon sooo Once I decide a ship Ima edit this to be that ship... unless it's Brypu-) and I close my eyes.

Not even a minute later

A portal opens up..
And 3 Female people come out the Portal

Wolfy: "Who are you?!?"

???: "Well.. I'm Female Bryan..."

???(2): "I'm evil Version of Female Bryan.."

Scp: "Then you must be female me!"

???(3): "Yeah."

Bryan: "Sooo Your Nickname could be Brianna!"

Brianna: "Fine. But I'm naming Evil me Vicky!"

Vicky: "I don't have any other choice I guess."

Scp: "Ok.. Female me is called Brittany Then!"

Brianna: "Ughhh Fineee! But you guys should leave before the portal closes."

Bryan: "Letss go! Before Jon and Molten and R.S Freddy are gonna kill me-"

They all leave and Bryan fell asleep on Inpu..

Bryan (Fnaf Bryan) POV

I landed on inside the portal room, as always... and that's all nothing and nobody was there...

Who am I kidding Jon was there and so was Molten and Jon May or May not tried to hit me with a Crowbar but he didn't cause he not a bad guy and he want to keep his friends safe and I'm his friend :D

Jon: "I.. I'm sorry Bryan!"

Me: "That's... Alright..."

Molten: "Can you tell us why you where at the portal for a couple hours..?"

Me: "Well uhh..."

Vile: What's Your Excuse this time...

Me: "You see.. I..."

Molten: "You..?"

Me: "I wanted Cake! Yeah!"

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