Chapter 4

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Takes place after Kay's Death... Also... When I first watched it... I didn't cry... I was smiling the entire video... I think I also giggled a bit- Also I Made These Drawings UwU

Scp's (Scp Bryan) POV

Scp's (Scp Bryan) POV

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I look at Kay's body, which her head was cut off... I felt heartbroken... Me, Xylo, and Mario were all heartbroken... In the elevator...

Bryan: Scp? Are you okay?

Me: I'm f-fine...

Olympus: Doesn't look like it...

Flame: You sure?


Xylo: "Uhhh...."

Me: "Uh.. I-I-I'm sorry!"

Mario: "You have been acting a bit different..."

Me: "I.. wonder why heh.."

???: I WoNDeR wHY? ItS NOt LiKE ThERe ArE OtHEr BrYaNS TaLKiNg iN YoUR mINd.

Everyone (Bryan, Flame, Scp, And Olympus): ..... Another Bryan?!?!

Bryan: Since when were you here?

Bryan(2): Since Bryan met Olympus...

Flame: And you decided to stay quiet?

Bryan(2): Yeaa... I guess we are going to the portal to meet each other and give me a nick name..

Me: Yup

After Introductions....

Me: "Soo... we now have a werewolf Bryan?"

Olympus: "Even better question.... what will be your Nickname?"

SNO Bryan: "I dunno"

Bryan: "Let's call him... Wolfy! I mean... he is a werewolf after all.."

Me: "True... Welcome to the Bryan squad."

Wolfy: "It's nice being part of your squad! But I need to go back... I need to check in Helios-"

Olympus: "Oh! I have a fairy horse named Helios!"

Wolfy: "Cool! I also need to go before Alpha (Mario) Notices I sneaked out..."

Flame: "Wait- you sneaked out?"

Wolfy: "Y-Yea... I suppose to guard the village just in case any our village burns down because or village is flammable."

Flame: "Oh... I was gonna ask if I could visit you.."

Me: "How is that possible-"

Flame: "I found a way to visit your dimensions... but.. anyways I was gonna visit you but... you said it's flammable..."

Me: "Ohhhhhhhhh."

Wolfy: "What?"

Bryan: "He has Fire powers..."

Wolfy: "Oh..."

Bryan: "But how did you find a way to visit us?"

Flame: "It's a bit complicated..."

Olympus: "Anyways... about earlier..."

Me: "Oh I have to go! Byee!"

Olympus and Flame: "COME BACK!!"

Then... Flame and Olympus were both with me in the Scp dimension...

Olympus: "H-Huh?"

Me: "Hide over there!"

I point at a small box. Flame Grabs Olympus's Hand and stuff him in the Box

Olympus: That hurts....

Flame: Sorry not sorry.

Me: "He-hey guys!"

Mario: "Were where you?!"

Xylo: "You ran off after... you know..."

Me: "Y-Yea..."

Olympus: After what?

Me: After- uhh

Flame: Tell us! Please! We are your friends right?

Me: Yeah... later..

Xylo: "Have you been here the entire time?"

Me: "Uhh yup!"

Flame: We are going to be in here forever!

Olympus: It's really uncomfortable... I feel very uncomfortable... my Wings are-

Me: Ok we get it! You are Uncomfortable..


Wolfy's (SNO Bryan) POV

I hoped out of the portal...

Me: "Helios! Huh?" Did I really take that long?

Bryan: Yes... I still haven't heard Flame or Scp or Olympus talk...

Me: Interesting... "Helios, wake up!"

Helios: "I see that your back.."


Me: Yeah... "Helios Bring me home."

Helios: "Okay."

When They Arrived...

I quickly go inside PackHavean

Mario: "Bryan... where have you been?"

Me: "I uhh.... went treasure hunting!" I cant tell him about the thing!

Bryan: What thing?

Me: ..... The fact that there are other me's?

Bryan: OhhHhhh

Mario: "Your not Lying right..?"

Me: "Alpha! I'm not lying! I went treasure hunting with Helios."

Mario: "Ok... but you should've stayed on guard just in case our village gets burned down again. Why did you go anyways?"

Me: "W-well... Helios told me about somewhere cool! And it had ancient treasure! And I really wanted to check it out!"

Mario: "Okay... just don't do this again, Bryan."

Me: "Ok Alpha!"

End Of Chapter

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