~|Second Reveal|~

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The last chapter guys. It's a really... Well, I can't say for you, just dive in and find out how the last part plays out. Enjoy!

Dedicated to am_biverted.


Friday was a National holiday, so we stayed in with Alec in my arms. He had been so comfortable in my arms I was so jealous of him at the moment. I took my time to look at him. His eyebrows were bush thick but usually brushed well. His nose had been the perfect nose I had ever seen, and cute, as weird as that sounded. His lips were still soft, I'd kiss them all day, but they were slightly opened, and it was the most adorable thing about Alec when he slept. His bed hair was sexy, oh my, and his breathing was slow and steady, like his sleep was so comfortable and peaceful. His lashes had grown longer, I wondered what he used to make them grow. I saw the scar on his forehead, but we had never talked about it. I was curious, but for some reason, I never found the courage to ask him. I had an ill feeling that it was something bad and he maybe never wanted to talk about it.

His hand was around my waist, holding me so tight I could not get off his grip, he was possessive sometimes and I didn't hate it, it was just funny. I stirred a bit to try and get off but he pulled me back to his chest. I literally rolled my eyes, so I just stretched my arm to get my phone from the lamp table. I switched it on and went through my notifications. From the many attachments I had, I needed to purchase a new phone that had a bigger storage. When I opened my texts, I found Katrina having texted me... It was funny.

Mom: Hey baby. Get off your bed and go look for a car! What's wrong with you? 😒

I chuckled and thought of what she said. Yeah I needed a car, for reals. It's not that I couldn't afford it anyways. And I could use the help of the sleep hog next to me.

Me: Okay mom I get it 😂 Since I'm free today I could go check and I'll decide if I can buy. Honestly, I'm doing this so you stop bugging me. You're one bugger 😅

Mom: And it always works. Look, you finally agreed to it! Show me what you get okay? And buy a car of your standard missy! 🤨

Me: Aye! Aye! Captain! Talk to you soon. Love you 😘

Mom: Love you too kiddo 😘

Okay. It was time that this man woke up. It was already nine in the morning, and I didn't know about him, but I was hungry. The rate at which I was eating was alarming... That was why Alec complained I was heavy, whatever.

"Hey babe, wake up," I said in a soft voice. His eyes moved a little bit but he went back to sleeping again.

"There's a wasp in the room!" I said, and at that he shot up from the bed and his eyes went as wide as they could. Yeah, Alec hated wasps and bees. He looked around the room for the wasp, when I was busy clutching my ribs for air as I had been laughing at his reaction. When he realized that I had tricked him, he glared at me and went back to sleep. He took the covers and left me bare on the bed. Talk about being childish.

"Babe come on, wake up. I need us to go somewhere," I said and he turned to look at me. He raised his right brow expecting me to explain what I had told him.

"We're going to buy a car for myself. Katrina is on mg neck," I said, and we both chuckled.

"Okay. Want me to accompany you?" he asked in his deep morning voice.

"Were you not listening to me babe? Come on, get up, we need to go,"

He smiled and kissed me. When he sat up, he looked around and as though he remembered something, he turned to me.

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