~|New Devoir|~

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Since I got back from the hospital, my care package from my love was nothing less than five stars. Alec was so great, and when we confessed our love for each other, it was like all walls between us crashed down to debris, and we were closer to each other more than ever. Lying on his chest that day at the hospital and listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat was so calming. I know, I should have stayed mad at him, but Alec was just as fragile inside as I thought he would be, so because love is mysterious, I let him in. I let myself lean on him, I let myself love him... And it turns out he loved me. If that wasn't beautiful, I don't know what was. When he kissed my forehead, I felt my heart melt with immense joy, and I knew I could lean on him whenever I wanted.

When he told me what his father had done, he was freaking out, feeling like he could not handle himself. He also confessed that he didn't do well with distance, and he had conflicting thoughts having realised he loved me but he'd be far from me. I had advised him accordingly, and I made him understand that he had a thousand capacities in him, just like his mom told him. I always reminded him this.

"We'll figure this out together, okay?" I said, and he nodded. From that day, when I was discharged with Cree, he has been closer to me than ever. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was being clingy, but no, he wasn't. He was just making up for the time he was in London, and Washington. The kisses came in handy, and he was being such a softie on the inside whenever it came to me.

Sal and Cassandrah were arrested for kidnapping Cree and I and were charged with two years in prison. Mr. Alvarez was so disappointed in their actions, that he even fired them and spread it around. I'm so sure it would be hard for them to get a job, after serving their time in imprisonment. He was so angered, but mostly worried about me, you'd think I was his daughter. Saying I was in shock, he gave me a one week off work, and he said I should go back to work when I was fully okay. He didn't have to, but he insisted. The look in his eyes showed me he really cared, so to make him feel okay, I took the offer, but I secretly worked at home helping Alicia. Speaking of Alicia, she was so hurt by what happened to me, she kept asking me to forgive her for not being there with me, or for me. Every day she bought me a bag of fries and chicken burger, sometimes she'd bake me chocolate cake and bring it for me. She was feeling so indebted to me, but I couldn't do or say anything to stop her from what she was doing.

It's two weeks since the kidnap, and it was Friday night, I was in the kitchen making dinner for myself, when I heard a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anyone, but I went ahead to open the door. Opening it, I found no one, but a package on my doorstep. It was a box wrapped in a white gift wrapper. I took it, checking the hallway, and there was no one. I went with it to the kitchen and set it on the island. I took a pair of scissors to cut through the box, and opened it up. Well, there was another box inside, and I opened it, only for it to reveal a new golden locket with the letter N carved onto the lid of the locket. It was simple, but so classic and elegant. I had wanted a locket for so long, but I didn't know who brought the locket to me. I opened it, and what I saw inside melted my heart.

He listened, and remembered.

In our first weeks of getting to know each other, I told Alec how much I loved lockets, telling him I always found them so meaningful, sentimental and I felt the images would connect with me. Mom had one of me and her, and when she died, I took it, and decided I'd give it to my first child. Well, Nahuel happened, but I hadn't given it to him yet. So opening this one, and finding a photo of Alec and I on one part of the locket, the other side had a photo of him and Nahuel too, a warmth stirred up my heart. The one of him and I was taken on his couch, I was seated on his lap, I remember I was typing my assignment, and he let me sit with him. The other one was of Nahuel and him at his office, I could tell. They looked so adorable together. My two boys. I found a note beneath the piece of silk that held the locket.

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