~|The First Reveal|~

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I read somewhere, a quote by Emilie Autumn, she said that perfume was first created to mask the stench of foul and offensive odors...
Spices and bold flavorings were created to mask the taste of putrid and rotting meat...
I had no idea whether Alec liked me for me, or the mask I put on of a very decent girl who didn't have a dirty past, and was trying to make it through thick and thin by herself.

Robert Brault also said that having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don’t fool. I was really hoping Alec was that person I had been looking for, and he was interested in the person beyond what he saw. The Naliyah who tried to fit in, but she always carried around a lot of worries and sorrows. The Naliyah who still nursed her wounds with the little cotton ball, the ending bottle of methylated spirit and ointment she had left.

I read the five words over and over on the pizza box, his handwriting dancing there, with some hope I'd say yes to his question. I could picture the disappointment in his eyes if I gave him an answer other than yes. That would deeply hurt him. Knowing Alec, so far, he didn't take disappointment too well. It would break him. The little things that happened at work that disappointed him drove him nuts, or they'd make him dull. I wanted to call him immediately and tell him my answer. Of course I'd accept, not because I didn't want to disappoint him, but because I had genuine interest in him and I would love to be his girlfriend. I would love to take things to the next step with Alec. Who wouldn't want to be with him?

Oops. Shock on Cassandrah.

I looked at Alicia, and she was there beaming with a smile that reached her eyes. Oh yeah, she must be happy for me, and if we had placed a bet on whether Alec would ask me to be his girlfriend, then she'd be lucky to have all the money to herself. We smiled at each other, but knowing Leesh, she always noticed everything without being told by anyone.

"Spill, what's up? Aren't you happy?" she asked.

"I am happy, of course. I'm just not sure he likes me for me, or he is asking me to be his girlfriend out of pity, you know what I'm saying?"

She let out a loud gasp, and placed her hands on her chest, feigning hurt.

"How dare you, missy! And no, no, I don't know what you're saying! Hello, wake up. It's time you start accepting that there are people out here who like you for you. Starting with me here, so cut the crap and be jolly!"

I swear Leesh would make an excellent life coach. She sometimes was mine.

"Okay. Okay. I needed that. So, should I call him or?"

"However you want to do it, just make sure he knows you said yes to his question,"

I grabbed my phone, while I picked a slice of pizza. Damn, my poor taste buds. The cheese, the chicken... Someone hug me. I went ahead and texted him.

N: Hey cute nose 🌚

We took our plates of spaghetti to the fridge and ate the pizza instead. Just when I was getting comfortable in my bean bag, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Alec.

A: Hey there beautiful 😘. Just so you know, I'm almost shitting my pants. Spare me the torture and please answer me 🥺

I literally laughed out loud, and Leesh gave me a hot slap on my back.

"The hell dude? What was that for?" I asked in pain.

"Shut up I'm watching the film, duh," she said, rolling her eyes. Where did sweet Leesh disappear to? I wanted her back ASAP.

N: Just shit on them, you'll change into something else. Before that, damn the pizza, it is the best Al. Where did you get this?

A: Is that necessary right now Nali?

Behind The Lens And VogueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora