~|The Show I|~

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dedicated to @mulwapesh

He almost kissed me.

He nearly kissed me!

That thought had been running through my mind and I could not keep the whole of myself together. The way up to my house in the elevator was just about the move Alec was about to make.

To be honest, I really appreciated the fact that he did not kiss me. I wasn't ready yet for any form of relationship. The scars still felt like fresh wounds, and I was trying as much as I could to take things slow. I knew Gran was waiting patiently for me to tell her how I spent my Saturday with Alec. Sometimes she was so goofy when she heard Alec's name... Like, chill, he's just a handsome guy.

The point exactly idiot.

When the elevator doors opened, I walked to my house trying to fish the keys from my bag. I was trying to balance my teddy bear on my hip so I'd look for the keys properly, but the doors opened. To my shock, Cynthia stood in front of me, with a big smile plastered on her face.

"Hi potato face!" She squealed.

I dropped everything on the floor and hugged her so tightly, like I hadn't seen her in years. It was a blessing she came, I didn't even want to know how and why she was at my house. My eyes stung with tears that threatened to flow, but I held it all in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, as she bent down to pick my bag and the teddy bear. She didn't answer, but at the moment I was so overwhelmed, and really excited, I didn't even mind.

Then I saw him.

"Mamá!" he screamed with delight on his face, and ran towards me. I knelt down to hug the little man, and I held him for so long... Something about him made me break my walls and be vulnerable. He stroked my hair, and it immediately felt like the world wasn't a crazy place anymore. When I let go, I looked at him. He was handsome, the chubby cheeks he always had were still there, and he didn't look like he lost any weight.

"Mamá, you beautiful," Nahuel said. How that statement warmed my heart. I carried him up and I did our talk with him. I was just smiling too widely, my cheeks hurt, but I didn't even care at all. I hadn't realized how much I had missed him until he was in my arms.

"Los querido, welcome," Gran greeted, as she came to hug me.

"Thank you abuela," I said, as we all went to the living room. Nahuel could not get enough of my hair. He kept on stroking it or rolling it around his little fingers. I was just smiling at him, as he kept on saying he had missed me.

"How did you guys come?" I asked, driving my attention to Cynthia, who had come from my room after taking the teddy bear and bag to my room.

"Uh, Nahuel is on holiday until Tuesday, so we thought we'd come to see you," she explained.

"You know that's not what I'm asking Cynthia,"

"Okay... Your father planned this. Said you needed it. I was against the idea at first, I promise, but, I looked at Nahuel and I thought maybe you could use this time to see him,"

My nose flared with anger. He was using the people that were most important to me to trick me into accepting him back... But it wasn't going to happen. He could organise everything he wanted, but nothing will change.

"When are you going back then?"

"Uh, Tuesday. He has school on Wednesday,"

I went quiet for a while. I decided to not ruin my Saturday and just enjoy the company I had in the room. Gran did not even wait, she skipped to the subject like it had been burning her the entire day.

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