After the rest of the class got their partners, I wrote a quick note to Beth:

OMG. James is working with us!

She replied:

Wow. Now's your chance to speak to him!

I looked at Beth, then back at the note:

This is going to be a long project.

Beth replied quickly:

Atleast you have some eye candy to look at

Before I could reply, the bell rang and we began to pack up. "Class, be prepared to go to the computer lab tomorrow!" Ms.Summers shouted before the students left the class. Beth and I packed up and began to walk to our second period class. "I can't believe he's our partner. I don't know whether to be happy or not." I said to Beth as we walked down the hallway. "Elena! This is your chance! Of all the classes you've had with him, you're finally forced to work with him. Maybe ya'll will become best friends and then fall in love and get into a relationship and..." Beth says before I interrupt her. "First of all, this is for a project. Second of all, he has a girlfriend. And thirdly, stop talking nonsense." "I'm just trying to look on the bright side." she says, faking hurt in her voice. "Well, i'm just trying to be realistic here. I know you remember what happened last time you tried to 'look on the bright side'." I say, reminding her of Clark. "Whatever. I'll see you at lunch." she says, walking into her classroom. 


After a long day at school, Beth and I walked to the student parking lot where my car is parked. "It's that black one over there." I say pointing to my car. "Oooo. I love the color." Beth says. We walk to my car and get in. "So, Megan and Seirra went crazy when I told them about you car," Beth says. I smiled and said, "Really? That means they should probably calling shortly." No sooner than i finished my sentence, my phone began to ring. I pulled my iphone out and handed it to Beth. "Put it on speaker. I'm about to start driving." Beth took the phone and put it on speaker. "Elena! Ahhh! Did you really get a car? Beth told me but you know how she likes to mess around." "You know I'm right here Meg." Beth says into the phone. "Well hello to you too Megan." I say. "Yeah yeah, answer the question please." Megan says. "Yes Meg. I got a car this weekend." I answer her. "You should drive us around." she says. "Uhh, if you got gas money for me." I say back to her. "You know I got you." she replys. "Okay Meg." "Megan! Give me that phone!" we hear Seirra shout. "So rude," Megan says before Seirra begins to talk. "I can't believe you actually got a car and didn't offer to drive us. I would prefer driving with you instead of the two love birds here." Seirra says to me. "Hey! We could just leave you here!" we hear Megan say to Seirra. "But you won't cause you love me too much." we hear Seirra say to Megan and her boyfriend Kevin. 

"Sorry to inturrept Seirra, but my phone is about to die so I'll talk to you later." I say. "Okay, bye-bye. Don't crash your car missy." she says before hanging up. "I'm so glad I don't have to ride in that car anymore. It sounds like chaos." Beth says, putting my phone down. I laughed and said "I know right. Craziness." 

Instead of going straight home, Beth and I decided to stop at McDonalds, then go over to Megan's house. We got to McDonalds and went through the drive thru and got food for us and the other girls. We headed over to Megans and arrived right after Kevin pulled into the driveway. As soon as I parked, Megan and Seirra rushed to the car. "The color is so pretty." Meg says, as I step out of the car. They admired the car for 5 minutes before finally going inside the house. 

"We brought some food." I said as we entered the house. "Good, cause I wasn't about to cook for ya'll." Megan says as she grabbed the food from me. "Uh, your welcome?" I say as I snatch the food back. "Thanks." Megan says as she rolls her eyes. 

We all took a seat in the living room and began to eat. After finishing his meal, Kevin got up and announced he was leaving. "I need to go. Bye girls." he says, while walking to the door. "Bye." we all say in unison. Megan followed him out and they handled all their mushy-gushy business outside. When Megan returned, we girls got more comfrontable. We moved into Megan's bedroom and got comfrontable. "Guess what happened this morning." I said to Seirra. "What? Does it have to do with a boy?" she guesses. "Yeah. So, in first period, we're about the start on a group project and we chose group members randomly out of a hat and you will never believe who my partners are." I say. "Who??" Megan says excitedly. "Beth and James." I say, looking at Seirra's and Megan's expressions. "Wait, James as in your crush James?" Megan asks me. "Yeah." "Wow! Finally! You and him will finally talk!" Seirra replys. "And we're going to be working on this project for the next 3 months!" I say. "Wow. Elena this is your chance!" Seirra exclaims. "Thats what I said!" Beth says. 

I simply rolled my eyes. "No. This is going to be a strictly business relationship." "Okay sure." Megan says in her 'I don't believe it' voice. "Anyways, let's work on some homework. I have a question on Mr.Spencer's homework." I say, stopping the James conversation before it got to far. 

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