Chapter Eleven- How could you forget?

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Chapter Eleven- How could you forget?

Loki's POV:

Torie's body started to shine like a star. There was a orangey glow emitting from her skin. She looked peaceful. She was calm and as though she was sleeping. I couldn't help but gaze at her beauty. Even though she was dead she was as still as pretty as she would have been alive. Stop It Loki! She's dead and you can't bring her back or think of  her like this... it's insane...... She was gone in like a puff of smoke. I watched as her body grew a more intense shade of orange. This was strange. I had seen no person do this before. Her body started to heat up and I let go in a sudden gasp as my hand's started to burn. I watched as she was lighting up like a candle. She then started to slowly shake. I didn't know what was happening. As I said I had never seen this before. 

Tori then had light coming through every aspect of her body. She though a lantern and I the only darkness, she would literally light the way. The light's went out again and kept flickering. I wasn'y getting scared it was just curiousity. Then as the lights flickered on and off her body moved. Sudden beams of illuminous like shone through the whole room. This was magical. I watched as the light hit the walls and started to give them a new realease of colour. I was happy where I was. The once light greens of the room darkened. And her body then laid still. Nothing happened. There was silence filling the room again once more. I ran over to her body and she laid there limp. Emotionless.

I inspected her body and looked at her. Her once light brown hazel hair was no darker. Then without a word of warning the light hit all around the room. Sparks were flying and I just sat down next to her body looking. This was interesting. Tori then when the light had calmed down opened her eye's to reveal a nice shade of jade green. She looked at me and her mouth opened until then not more than a second had gone by and she closed her eye's once more leaning her body on my own. 

Three words.... Three words... SHE WAS ALIVE.... Of course how could I forget. I knew about gods and goddesses and time lords. They can change and cheat death. I though now to come to think about it am puzzled that my dearest Toriena hasn't changed her apperance apart from her hair has gone darker... I thought. I then saw the lights turn back on. I once done so got up and picked Torie's light body up. I carried her in a bridal motion. Her clothes were hot and so was she. I carried her out of the room and through the halls until I came to a room... My room. I opened my door and lead myself and the limp Torie though and placed her on my king's size bed. I watched as she lay there now sleeping.

This would make me wonder. She would make me wonder. She gave me these feelings that I had never expeirenced before. She made me feel wanted and when she was gone for those few hours I thought that she was gone for good. There was like a hole in my heart where she was and when she came back she filled it. And then when I thought she was dead, I had actuallt let out tears of remorse. This wasn't possible... I couldn't love this immortal woman. I Loki of Asgard well techniqucally speaking Joutnhiem could not learn to love or could never love. I sighed and pulled my hair out. I walked over to my desk in the corner of the room and then slumped my body on the chair. My head in my hand's. Could I love this woman?

Toriena's POV:

All I remember was Loki screaming. The God was actually Screaming! And as soon as I heard this I knew the Angel was here. I was ready. Loki came with me because I knew that he was a strong character and once I heard Nat on the bluetooth devices I knew the Angel was coming to me. But Loki screaming took me off of track. He sounded stressed and scared. I called for the Angel to show itself and when it did I didn't want Loki hurt. This man had shown me kindness which I thought that no man who would take over a parrallel universe to my own would be capable of. I did my own speach for the Angel to let go of Loki and to spare his life. And that was what it did. The lights flickered off again and then I let out a ear ringing scream. The Angel was fighting me. It managed to take the key from my grasps and then all I remember was my body falling to the floor. I presumed that the Angel had snapped my neck. And then I remember next that I saw a pair of emerald eye's peering at me. They looked scared and stressed. I felt my body being lifted and then nothing.

My eye's fluttered open and I saw a back of a stressed god. I looked around the room and felt the soft silk around my body. I sat up slowly and then looked forward. I was in a bed room. It was green walls and a golden floor. I breathed out slighty and saw my regeneration energy. I smiled at the golden light. I then shuddered. I jolted up and ran to the nearest bathroom. I went and leavered ovee the toilet and through up in it. I felt someone lift my hair up. Once I was sick, I hung around the bowl and then fell on the cold room floor. I was boiling. I lifted my arm up and flsuhed the toilet. This had never happened before. I peered around and saw Loki looking down at me worried. Well I rememebr when I was young and regenerated then. That wasn't a pretty picture especially when I was a far away from home...

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