Chapter Nineteen- One reality to another

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Chapter Nineteen- One reality to another


As I gradually opened my closed heavy eyelids, I noticed that the birds had stopped singing. It was quiet. Too quiet. I am on a hard laminate floor and my hair is sprawled out. I lift my head cautiously, staring at my surroundings.

"What the-" I was cut off in mid-sentence by a thud. A constant thumping sound.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

What was making that noise? Why was I hearing that noise?

I stretch my tired limbs and then slowly gravitated onto my feet. Now in which, was when I noticed what I am wearing. On my small feet I notice a pair of golden slippers. I am wearing a red tunic with different symbols on it. Gold linen thread hung down from my dress and as I walk to the reflective clear surface, I see my face for the first time.

Red swirls and dots displayed themselves proudly upon my face. My chocolate curls were in a lose bun, with the odd piece hanging, twirling down my shoulders. I gasped. I knew these the symbols and I recognised the room I was in. A familiar place.

Somewhere from my childhood.

"Toriena honey, what are you doing?" That voice. The voice that was so sweet, I thought that I would never hear it again. I was home. In my livingroom, in my house, on my planet.

I turned on my heel and gasped in shock, she was there, standing in front of me. Her own chocolate locks in a bun and her hazel eyes glemaing into mine. A tear ran down my face and I breathed in a ragged breath.

"M...M... Mum?" I questioned in a cry. She smiled at me and then nodded her head gently.

"Toriena, what's gotten you so upset?" I didn't think that this could be possible.

"Mum!" I cried and then ran into her arms. She gasped atthe impact. She then hugged me back around my back as I hugged her waist. I heard her chuckle and then she stroked my hair carelessly.

"Honey, what's upset you so much?" I heard her ask me. I then shook my own head and then mummered.

"Nothing, you're alive. You're just here. You're alive." I called out. My mum laughed and then pulled me away from her and stared down at me.

"Of course I am here sweetheart. Why wouldn't be?" She questioned me, concern was written all over her face.

"You're just here. You're alive. I love you." I told her. She then smiled and kissed my forehead lovingly.

"And I love you to my sweet Tori." She spoke kindly.

I pulled away and started to laugh and I swun around on my feet.

"Are you having fun yet?" I stopped in my tracks. I turned around and saw the Dreamlord smirking at my actions. He walked towards me and placed a hand on my exposed arm.

"What do you want?" I hissed at him. My mother was gone from my view. I gasped and then looked around frantically.

"She's gone sweet cheeks." He chuckled. I then went forward at an imense speeed and went to grasp his throat but my hand went straight through him. I then heard a tutting noise.

"Tut tut tut, you should know better than to kill me Tori." He warned me. I was in no mood for his games.

"What have you done with her?" I shouted at him. He then held his hands in the air and then paced back.

"Now now, you know this is all just a dream." He informed me. I then felt my world around my collapse. Of course it was a dream. There was no way that my mother was still alive. She had died in front of me. The Daleks had killed her. Murdered her in cold blood, directly in front of my own eyes.

"Ah... you forgot that didn't you?" He taunted me. I so wanted to kill him, right this instant.

"Go to hell!" I barked. He then huffed in a mocking laugh.

"Oh sweetheart. Do you really think that I can reverse the Daleks murder all of those years ago?" He asked me. He was going to get a hair pin shoved right through his eye in a minute if he didn't stop being an ass.

"Or can I?" He was contradicting himself. He had to be kidding me.

"What do you mean, you think?" I asked him, I was determind to get an answer out of him.

"What do you think I mean?" He was now really annoying me.

"Tell me." I started. He shook his head and then replied.

"Nope!" He popped the p and then I had had it.

"Tell me or god help me I will shove a hair pin so far in you socket you will only be able to see the darkness!" I threatened. He seemed amused by my outburst which only caused me to lunge at him.

But he lifted his hand up and then snapped his fingers. I then heard the birds again. Oh no...

"Tori sweetheart. I thought that you might want to reconsider our little 'deal' so you sleep now and I will see you when you wake up." He told me. The birds got louder and louder. I was slowly dropping out of consciousness.

"Don't... don't... please..." I begged as I felt arms around my falling body.

"Shush now... shush and just embrace it..." He whispered and then his lips collided lightly on my cheek, as a tear fell out of my eye. That one single tear was the thudding sound I heard. The thump of my salty tears. The memory. He was going to take me. He was going to claim me. And that was exactly what he did.

Goddess of Time (Whovengers)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя