Chapter Sixteen- Who are you, really?

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Chapter Sixteen- Who are you, really?


I ran after her. I opened the door and then ran down the corridor following her. I had to apologize. I ran after where I thought she would be. I then heard as I was racing down the corridors something like a pan being hit. The crashing and banging noise wouldn't stop. I held onto my ears as my eardrums buzzed. I went around a corner and there I saw her. She was more than annoyed at me. I was deeply sorry. I was sorry for the pain that I have cause and I am sorry for what has become of her.

I saw her standing in the middle of a large hall. It has a golden chair at the other end of it and the whole entire room was a golden gleaming colour. I looked at the brunette swishing her arms around in the air. She had a metal spoon and pan in her hand and kept twirling the spoon around in the pan.

"WHERE ARE YOU OH TIME MAN? WHERE'S MY HERO?!" She called out screaming those words. She turned around when she heard my presence as my shoes tapped the marble floor. She turned on her heel and her locks swayed with her as she did so. She smiled at me and then dropped the dish on the floor with the spoon and the room echoed.

"There you are, oh Time Boy. Time Traveller, Time Centurion. At last you're here." She looked at me and then took a couple of steps forward with her heels clicking violently as she stepped.

"Tori? What are you doing?" I turned my head and saw a man with sleeked black hair and emerald green eye's. He wore some sort of armour and didn't look the slightest bit impressed when he saw her. Then his eye's scanned me and then he asked.

"And who are you?" I looked at this guy. Who the Hell does he think he is? The King?

"I'm the-" I started until Tori butted in. She smirked and then ranted.

"I'm the Doctor. The man with many faces, many tributes and many many companions..." She giggled at the last part. I cocked my eyebrow and then the man looked at me funny and then asked.

"Doctor Who?" The most asked question in the world.

"The most predictable question in the universe. The question as old as time. The question that sent him to his grave. Trenzalore. Naughty, you shouldn't have gone there Doctor...." She sung. I then saw Clara run into the room. She stopped when she saw Tori and all Tori did was smirk even more.

"On the Fields of Trenzalore, on the Fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a question will be asked. A question that must never ever be answered." She started, she had a sadistic smile on her face. I didn't know what she was doing. Many people had now gathered into the room and some of them were looking worried.

"The trap is set for the Doctor's friends.

They will travel where the Doctor ends. His friends are lost for ever more, unless he goes to Trenzalore.

This man must fall as all men must.

The fate of all is always dust.The man who lies will lie no more when this man lies at Trenzalore.

The girl who died he tried to save. She'll die again inside his grave." She said the poem. The ancient words. I saw the pain in her eyes. She looked at me and then said.

"Because this is what happens when many get close to you. They die. They leave. Or you leave them. You are as old as time itself and still proclaim to be good. But you are not good. You are not the hero." These words hit me like a bullet to the chest. But she wasn't finished.

"I heard her cries. From the blue eye. I saw her fate. As the ate. All of the memories, all of the happiness. Until she fell, into an endless slumber. Never to awake. They haunted my dreams and became my nightmares. Tried converting me. Changing me. And you were the enemy. I was the weapon and you stood in the way. He died. She died. They both died, in front of my eye's. The screams of those metal machines. That one word they say and you know your end is nigh... EXTERMINATE..." She then fell onto her knees and started to cry. She clutched her head as she called and thrashed out in pain.

The man from earlier ran to her side and then bent down and covered his arms over her shoulders and pulled her back slightly so that now she was crying in his arms.

"Tori?" She didn't respond to his silent plea. She was sobbing to him. Not to me. She had just said everything to me that was at the heat of the moment. She was describing a dalek. She was telling me her life story. From when her parents were murdered up until now.

"The pain. Make it stop. Make it stop, please Loki... Make it st-oop!" She begged. He shushed her and kissed the top of her forehead lightly. She continued to cry and I turned to look at Clara. She was nearly in tears herself.

"Sometimes the strongest of women are the one that loves behind faults, cry's behind all doors and fights with battles nobody else knows about." I turned to see a man around the same age as I looked. He had dark chocolate hair and brown eye's. Something abo the way he spoke and looked made me wonder. Did I know this man? I then looked back at Tori and went over to her and the man known to be Loki.

"Tori, the pain your feeling now is natural. Ever since you were first born you cried and it is not shown as a weakness but that you are alive." I told her. She looked up at me with swollen red eye's. She shook her head and then choked out.

"But the pain never stops. It never stops hurting, Doctor. It is burning in my soul and raging through my veins. I have lost so many people that are close to me. I saw my own parents murdered in front of my own eyes." She cried. Loki stopped shushing her and looked shocked. She didn't tell him this then? I shook my head and then held onto Tori's hand.

"You and me both. You were right. All of these years. All of the different people that have died in my name. The pain is never ending. And I know you want it to stop. It will stop... I Promise..." I told her trying to sooth her.

"I promise." I placed my hands on the sides of her forehead and then closed my eye's. I concentrated some of my energy on her and that was when she collapsed in Loki's arms. It was time to take away the pain.


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