Chapter Nine- Blink Avenger's Style....

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Chapter Nine- Blink Avenger's Style....

Toriena's POV:

Me and Tony were still staring at the weeping angel. It's teeth were showing and we wereb't have scared of it. His hand was still clentched to mine and nobody seemed to notice the angel passing by us. There was just whispers or how the great Toyn Stark had gone mental. We didn't really know how to explain it. The people just struttered by doing absolutely jack all. I was about to blink. My eye's were killing me. Tony was sweating like a pig and the people around us were all rushing to the places they were meant to be. 

"I think I'm about to blink..." I told Tony. His thumb rubbed across my right hand. He didn't turn to look at me but replied.

"So am I, we can't keep this up!" He clearly had to point that out didn't he. I nodded my head and then breatheed in and out deeply. There was nothing that we could do. We were surely doomed. This was the moment that I was going to answer Tony's question. If we were about to die I would at least tell him how I escaped from Loki.

"Tony this might only be the last time that I talk to you, so to answer your question from earlier. Loki doesn't know I'm here... In fact I kinda jumped out of a window. He was kind to me yes and maybe we got off to the wrong foot but. He was just nice to me so you don't have to go and kick his ass for me..." Tony then laughed a little. A small chucke was left his mouth and he said to me.

"Well imagine that... Reindeer Games was nice to a newbe!" I then was about to lose it. I was about to blink. Tony tightened my hand and then I felt death coming. Now it was after me and Tony and it was my fault. But as I felt death approach both of us I felt a big lump push me to the floor. Tony fell as well and I ended up on top of him. He looked at me and I looked at him. We then shouted at the same time.

"THE ANGEL!!" as we looked up it was right infront of us. It's claws flaring and teeth showing. Me and Tony wouldn't stop looking at it. 

"DON'T BLINK. DON'T BLINK...." We chanted. But then as we were going to face death again we heard someone shout.

"GET DOWN!" As soon as me and Tony heard that we lowered our heads and then he placed his arm over my head. We heard distant gun shots and then as they stopped we heard some screaming. Me and Tony lifted our heads up. There was many people with their necks snapped and a few alive. Tony got up and atood besides me. He took my hand again and then we looked at eachother.

"What happened to them?" He asked me. I looked at the bodies and then sighed. I turned around and the angel was gone from view. I rubbed my hands over my eyes and then said to him.

"The angel killed them all. Yes when we were down they tried to shoot them... Why the hell would you try and shoot an angel? They died because of me and the angel is now here for you to. I shouldn't be here.  I need to go home... Where ever home is?" I told him. He then took my into a half hug. A tear dripped down from my face. This was all my fault. 

"It's okay. It's not your fault that your friend was a dick and left you here. Besides I would have never met you if not.." He told me. I then cried a bit more. Yeah the Doctor was a dick but he was my friend and I loved him. So why would he leave me here?

 "Yeah but you wouldn't be in so much danger right now if it wasn't for me." He continued to comfort me until Tony stopped. He could sense something. But so could I. I then sighed and looked around me. We heard a scream across the alley. Then some gunshots. Me and Tony ran to the seen. There I saw a red head. Okay Ginger woman with a black suit on firing her weapon at yes you guessed it... an angel. I looked at her and then stopped her and kicked the gun out of her hand. She looked at me shocked. We started a simple combat but nobody was watching the angel. We turned our heads and it was right infront of us. 

"Holy Shit! Not again!!!!" I exclaimed the woman stepped back and went back to pick up her weapon until I heard someone shout.

"Nat don't! It will kill you... Keep your focus on it..." It was Tony. The woman known as pressumely Natasha looked at Tony and then back at me.

"What is that thing?" She asked me. I didn't look at her but I just said.

"A Weeping Angel, Miss Romanoff. It sort of either sends you back in time to die in the past or it kills you straight away by snapping your neck. But whatever you do don't blink and don't look at the eyes. It's like a gateway towards the angel and it will kill you within your head. It will play a trick on your mind and then make you think your turning to stone, until it kills you." I explained to her. I remembered that she was the famous black widow. 

"Your insane... both of you. I don't even know you so why should I belive you?" She asked me. I heard Tony come near me and Natasha. He looked at the angel and then I told her.

"Some agents tried shooting it and then it snapped their necks and left." She then gasped. But she then watched the angel. She didn't blink. Nat for the first time was getting scared. I then said.

"On the count of three run and take your eyes off the angel." I told them. They both nodded their heads.

"One... Two... get ready... Three! RUN!" I shouted. Then me, Tony and Nat ran. As we were running she decided to introduce herself.

"Names Natasha Romanoff. Nice to meet you?" She started. I then looked at her and said.

"Toriena Marker, pleasure!" I shouted as we were running. As we were running we stopped and somehow transported into antoher room. I recognised it well. We were in the throne room? WHAT THE HELL?

"Where have you been?" I looked up and then saw Loki sat on his throne. He was staring at me, Tony and Nat. We all shared glances and then I said.

"Will it all started with an angel!"....

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