Chapter Four: Vortex gone wrong

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Chapter Four: Vortex gone wrong

Toriena's POV:

The TARDIS was falling. Me and the Doctor were falling. And something bad was going to happen. This wasn't good. I looked through the dark as me and the Doctor then rolled around crashing into the consoles.

"What's happening?" I called. The Doctor looked at me and then said.

"The TARDIS is falling through the time vortex." I looked at him and for the first time I saw fear protracted in his eyes. He was scared and to be honest I was too a little. The TARDIS kept slamming and we kept falling. I held onto the TARDIS as it fell. If I let go I would be falling through those doors.

The Doctor tried to stand up and alter the controls but they would budge. I looked at him and shouted.

"Why are we falling?" He shook his head. He smashed onto many different buttons and shouted at the TARDIS. He through his jacket on the floor and in did his bow tie. Was he stripping? He then looked at the monitor. Everything was down. There was a little light shown as the TARDIS was trying not fall.

"I don't know. I really don't." The Doctor said. Then the TARDIS stopped. She was still. I stood up and then started to walk toward the Doctor until.

"Doctor!" There was a bang and it started again. I fell to the floor and was sliding towards the now open doors. I held onto the bar. The Doctor came running towards me. He was a bast distance and I ended up slipping from the pole and falling and holding onto the TARDIS doors.

I looked behind me and saw the time vortex and we wrrdw flying into it. Panic was spread across my face. I hung on for dear life. As the Doctor finally reached me he grabbed onto my hand. I was flying with the doors open as he held onto my hand. This was going to end badly I could tell. He was gripping and grasping onto my one hand whilst using his other to hold himself and me on the TARDIS.

"Tori hold on!" He called out. My hands began to slip. This was it. My dress fluttered in the wind and I looked at the Doctor in the eye. A tear fell out if it and I smiled at him. He was panicking and that's when he saw what I was going to do.

"Tori, don't!" He shouted at me. I shook my hand and then said,

"Leave me behind just please leave me." I begged. He shook his head.

"Not without a fight." Thats when he pulled me slightly and through my eating that had got caught in his shirt earlier at the TARDIS and she started to jerk again.

"Don't move... Hold on!" He shouted at me. I looked at the time vortex. We were flying through it at high speeds. There was a crack though and we were heading straight toward it. I looked at the doctor and said.

"Where are we going to end up?" He didn't know the answer for once he was unsure of what to tell me. I closed my eyes and seconds later I felt my feet land on something hard. I looked down and saw concrete? The Doctor let go of my hand. I looked at him and then as I was about to say something that TARDIS pushed me away and the doors slammed shut. I got up and ran and bashed my hands on the doors.

"DOCTOR LET ME IN! DOCTOR!" I demanded. But nothing happened. I turned around for a second but as soon as I heard the sound of the engine I stopped. I turned on my heels and looked at the TARDIS disappear.

"Doctor no!" I shouted. Butnthst was it. It was gone. In a puff of smoke. I stood where once the TARDIS stood in my medieval dress. Tears fell down my face. I didn't know where I was or why? But I did know that the Doctor had left me on a planet on my own. I stood there for minutes and ended up collapsing on the floor crying. He left me. My best friend. Left me. As I was crying I heard footsteps approach me. I looked up and saw a man with brown eyes looking at my own. He then looked at my wear.

He had something white shinning through where his heart was meant to be and had a dark black type heard and dark black hair. He then asked.

"So a girl just appears out of know where and I Tony Stark just happen to see a blue box appear and disappear. I should really stop drinking during the day." He said. This was when I knew that I was in trouble. As I had read when me and then Doctor traveled to Earth the Marvel Comics and Tony Stark was well Iron Man. He was exactly the same as the comics and the movies. This wasn't exactly what I and planned as a day...

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