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                                      Chapter One

' Click Click Click'

I would never get tired of the sound of the camera capturing every shots in Gotham, ...... especially up on the roof, capturing a clear shot of the chairman having an affair with his secretary. I moved my camera from window to window then I captured a guy who was scratching his ass and eating his donut with the same hand....ewwww...I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

From left to right I went frame by frame, then I stopped at a particular sight. A young Caucasian woman getting abused by a man who seems to be her's boyfriend or husband. When I saw things like that...I always wonder 'where is that bat guy', Gotham's Sweetheart. He should also be beating and sending guys like that to hospital or I could... but why should I, it's not like I know that lady, maybe she liked being a masochist or they were doing a some sort of weird sex role play.

And.... The chairman's wife was about to burst through their love making cave's door like a federal agent would do. Oh Yeah... the view from here on the rooftop was pretty good, it's like watching a reality TV show with a better scene. I squinted my eyes to get a better view with my goggle this time and wow she was smacking them reallyyy hard to her husband and that poor secretary. As soon as she was done beating the shit out of both of them, I got a phone call from my client. Well as much as I love watching the cheaters suffering, this week episode had came to an end. I put all my camera, goggle and other stuffs to my backpack right before I pressed the green button on my phone screen.

Chairman's wife : " You did good job Miss. Maya , I will send you your payment with an extra bonus." She said, I could hear the fainted sobbing from her, of course she would be sad the guy she had been sleeping with for over 20 years, was screwing a new bottle. I couldn't imagine it.... Actually yes yess yes I could I tried to have a little sympathize over these people but I just couldn't, they were just too entertaining for me.

" Sure Mrs... ahh Miss. Queen, pleasure doing business with you."

After hanging up the call, I got a notification from my bank account receiving a two hundred dollars from none other than my lovely, heart broken client Miss Queen. I blissfully jumped from building to building until I reached to a lower one to climb down on the fire ladder.

Walking down to the busy street, I was humming peacefully and thinking about what kind of feast I should ingest tonight.... until the sight of a young woman with lots of bruise on her body caught my mind. It was the woman, earlier from the window I spied--- I mean looked out. I couldn't bare the sight of it.... so I avoided my eyes from watching her and totally ignoring it. I went to a hotdog shop right beside her seat.

" Ahh Can I have a medium hotdog with double sausages and an extra mustard sauce Ohh and a bottle of beer please...." I ordered, the girl on the cashier stand gave me a cheerful smile and started making my food. ' Yay'

" Here is your order Miss." Wow that was fast. " Would you like to pay with a cash or your card," the girl asked.

" I will pay it with my card." I handed her my card, as soon as she had registered it, the girl extended her hand from the counter placing the food bag carefully hooking up with my hand. Tonight wouldn't get any better I smiled at the thought.... Anddd......just like the calm wind before the storm, a person accidently bumped me with him or her's coffee which was spilled all over on my favourite turtle neck shirt and the color was vanilla white dude !! Thank goodness my hotdogs bag stayed fine.

By the time I looked up to the person to complain about all this mess... it was her.... Again.! The one I saw from the window, getting abused.

" Ohh I'm so sorry here let me wipe those of for you .....I'm so sorry I wasn't myself and I -----."

Gotham Shenanigans ( Jason Todd / Red Hood ) Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now