35: Definition Of Annoyance

Start from the beginning

"They aren't controlling nor are they insane," I defend them, even though my normal reaction would be to burst out laughing with her a wave of protectiveness washed over me urging me to defend my brothers.

She gives me the are-you-serious face rolling her eyes at me. "Okay they can be a bit firm on rules sometimes, but that's just because they care." She raises her hands in surrender to which I just shake my head.

"At least you didn't deny the fact that they are annoying," she points out.

"Not all of them, just Jack," I clarify.

"Okay so consider your allowance to be the payment for putting up with Jack," she says with an innocent smile, I just roll my eyes at her, but agree nonetheless.

"Where to first then?" And with that, we ransack to the mall with Lindsey pulling me over to almost all the stores.


We finally stop at the connivance store like thing they have at the mall because Lindsey needs to get some things. We roam from isle to isle picking up mostly candy and junk food.

We finally reach the aisle where all the feminine products are and Lindsey very casually starts loading some in the cart. I don't know why, but a sight blush washes over my face at the sight of all the products.

"You okay?" Lindsey asks when she realises that I've stopped talking and walking beside her.

"You look like you have just seen a hot guy take off his clothes," he remarks causing my blush to deepen. I look at her with wide eyes and then look around to see if anyone is around us within hearing range.

When I find no one, which I find rather surprising I sigh in relief and smack her arm. "What? I'm just stating facts," she says pinching my heated cheeks.

"You know there isn't a reason to be embarrassed, this is totally normal," she explains. I just nod my head wordlessly.

She resumes scanning the packs on the rack, grabbing one, and reading the information on it carefully. I just stand there awkwardly.

"It's like you haven't seen a pack of pads or tampons in your life," she says, shifting her attention to me again.

"Well not really," I mumble under my breath.

"You haven't had your first period yet?" She asks surprised and I just nod.

Lindsey is a year older than me and so has been through this already, whereas me I feel uncomfortable even talking about the topic.

"Well no worries you have me now and I'll teach you all you need to know about this stuff," she says with a warm smile.

I smile back at her and we continue our shopping with Lindsey explaining what is the meaning of the details on the pack. She made me buy some too so that I don't have to panic when I do get my first period and rush to the store to buy some.

Lindsey is the sister I always wanted but never had.

We check out and with me carrying three bags of my own filled with tampons, pads, and a whole lot of junk food, candy, and chocolates which I will have to sneak under Liam's nose.

"I feel like someone is following us," Lindsey says looking a bit concern as she discreetly glances around us.

"Don't worry that most probably is my security team," I tell her in reassurance, but she still doesn't put her guard down.

"Hey it's fine really, Xavier has them following me almost everywhere for protection," I say with a small smile which she returns and nods in understanding at me.

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