"Good morning Mr. Davenport."
I greeted my teacher with a big smile. I'm proud to say that I'm his favourite student and he's my favourite teacher.

It's literally the only class in which I sit on the first bench because again I love chemistry.

"Cassie did you're skirt got shorter?" My partner Luna said.

She's a good friend but I really wish I could change my partner this year. Maybe a little more smarter one?

"Luna, my skirt is the same I just grew taller I guess." Talking to her makes me feel little dumb.

"You wanna sit down or should I sit?" But she's already sitting.

"I guess I'll sit?" Her dumbness is contagious.

As students were filling in, Mr. Davenport was helping them choose there partners. So in the  meantime I took out my book and started going through the first chapter. I couldn't wait anymore.

"No. She always sits with me. Back off." I hear luna's voice from beside me but I am so into reading this chemical bondibg chapter that I can't look up who she's talking to.

"Miss Grace. Let him sit with Miss Wilson. I've already fixed everything." I hear Mr. Davenport saying.

"But-" Luna was ready to fight for me. Aw. And I'm not even looking away from my book. What's wrong with me.

"No Buts. You can go sit with Rachel at the back."

I felt luna leaving with her bag.
Can this year get any better.  But god protect poor Rachel please.

A familiar strong musky smell hits me as someone sits next to me. This smell is damn hard to ignore. I think I have to look up now.

This year is really giving me a lot of shocks.

"Cassie hope you'll guide our new student Alec nicely. I thought pairing him with you for the rest of the year would be really beneficial for him since he's new." Mr Davenport smiled at us.

"Hi?" Alec said snapping me out of my shock.

"Hey." I said and tried to focus on my book instead.

I don't know why but I just don't know what to say.

Ask him if he's a vampire?

Please don't start right now. I beg you.

"You always were cheer outfit in classes?" Alec spoke up after a few minutes.

"Yeah. I mean no. Today we have practice that's why." Why is the class not starting?

"You're a cheerleader?" He asked.

"Why would I be wearing it if i wasn't?"

"Class please open page 42." Finally. The class started.


School's over. And it's time for our first cheer practice of senior year.

"Girls you gotta get up and work it. Our time is back to shine again. This is your last year in Brentwood High. Do you wanna show them what you got?" Coach yelled through her megaphone.

"Yes coach." We all yelled back together.

"I can't hear you."

"YES COACH!!" If our gym room wasn't so big, it might have blowed up.

"Good. Now let's hear your oath, shall we?"

"Cheerleading is my boyfriend,
My coach is my parent,
And my teammates are my siblings." We all repeated our too personal oath.

"Now repeat after me.
Thou shall not drop your flyer.
Thou shall not cheat during conditioning.
Thou shall be fierce.
Thou shall jump during fullouts.
Thou shall not skip practice.
Thou shall not give up.
Thou shall twerk hard.
Thou shall werk harder.
Thou shall stretch daily.
Thou shall be an inspiration."

We repeated/yelled our 10 cheer commandments.

You're wondering what happens to our voice because we yell all the damn time? Nothing. If anything it gets better each time.
But it makes us drink alot of water which means we pee more than normal people.

"My badass chikas, let's start with our routine." Coach turned on the music and started teaching us the routine.

After few hours, class was over and all the girls were more than happy. Cheering really is our life.

"Cassie come here." Coach called me.

"Yes coach."

"You know I love you right? I want you to do whatever it takes to keep your team together and in full spirit. No matter what distractions you get, you'll always stay focused."

"Yes coach I promise. Whatever it takes." I have devoted my life to cheer.

Coach Gretchen is not just a coach to me. She's like a second mom. In every single hard time I've faced in my life she was there for me. She knows in past our team has faced alot of ups and downs. But we're not gonna let any of those things repeat. I would never let it happen again. Not this time.

Now most of the girls have left. I came out of bathroom after fixing my hair and washing my sweaty face. The guys gym room is on our's opposite side. As the football coach left, I went inside.

I know it's weird going into guy's gym room but it's fine for us. I mean I always go in there when we have practice on same days. And this year we have same practice days. And the guys are used to me getting in anyway so it's no big deal.

As I entered.....Gross. I forgot this room smells like 15 sweaty guys. Though I enjoy the view of them being shirtless everytime.

"Yo Cassie, stop checking us out. It's uncomfortable." Louis said making a girly voice. He's a junior by the way.

"Boys, my eyes are hurting." I lied in a dramatic way.
"Where's Dylan?" I ask them.

"He's in the shower." George answered.

I'm going in.

Not in the shower you dirty people. I'm going in the bathroom to tell him to hurry up. I don't wanna go home late.

Only one shower was running so I figured it was him and started banging the door to annoy him. "Carter hurry the fuck up or I'm calling your mom." I love to annoy him.

"Cassie. What are you doing?"

I turned to look at all cleaned up Dylan raising his brow at me.

Does that mean.....

The door in front of me opened and a half naked Alec came out of it. Water dripping down his body. His dark brown hair looks almost black when wet. His eyes going up and down my body making me step back a little.

Thank goodness, you're not drooling.

Excuse me? I've never drooled for anyone in my entire life except for some specific food.

"Is this your way of ruining my shower like I did yours?" The hot figure in front of me said.

"What!!" I and Dylan said at the same time.

I forgot he was here.

"Cass, let's go. We're getting late." Dylan said taking my hands.

"Right. Let's go."

Well that was awkward.

Damn right it was.


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