"So L/N kun!" You stand up and look in confusion at Tendou. "Tell me, what made you come here instead of good ole' waka kun going to you?"

You follow behind Wakatoshi and Goshiki as they continue to Shiratorizawa, you and Tendou a few meters behind them.

"Oh, well I kind of joined my school team as the volleyball teams manager. And my mother decided since Wakatoshi and I have to go to U-19 practice anyway, I may as well come over here and watch his usual volleyball practice."

"You should be lucky it was Waka kun who asked the coach, or else he might not've taken it so kindly~"

You nod with a hum "Yeah, I've heard about your coach."

Tendou seems to deflate at your agreeance "I see how you and Waka kun are related, you're both so cold."

You face the older and turn your face as blank as possible "I am actually quite warm."

Tendou's face turns into one of shock before a smile spreads across it.

"You, I like you."

Tendou slings his arm over your shoulder with a grin "Shirabu is going to love you!"


Shirabu did not love you. If his annoyed face every time he so much as glanced in your direction is anything to go by, your quite sure Shirabu didn't even remotely like you.

But then again...

You turn around to see Goshiki drinking from a water bottle slightly behind you. I suppose he could be looking at Goshiki.

Turning back towards the team you reel back when instead you are face to face with a bushy eyebrowed old man.

"O-Oh Washijou sensei Saitō sensei!" You stand up and bow to the stern coach you've heard so much about "It's nice to meet you."

His facial expression doesn't change at all as he gazes at you. "I see, you must be the ice skater Ushijima was talking about." The older coach doesn't spare you another glance as he sits on the bench the younger, brown haired coach beside him gives you a small smile and nod in greeting.

"Don't just stand there, sit down." Following Washijou's orders you clumsily sit down, however your body gives away how uncomfortable you are with your rigid posture. "You seem a little clumsy for an ice skater, I thought they were supposed to be graceful."

Is insulting me about a sport he has no actual knowledge about 💢?? You swear you feel and irk mark form.

"Ah— I'm sure L/N san is a lot more graceful on the ice!" Saitō sensei hastily replies, weather he's covering for the old man or just calming you, you have no clue.

"It's true, sir, I'm a lot more comfortable on the ice than I am here. Unlike the volleyball players, the gym is not my safe space."

Washijo pays you no heed, honestly you don't even know if he hears you. Instead all he does is stare forward.

Following his example you cross your arms and stare ahead at the apparent best team in the whole prefecture.


This feeling... You place a hand over your pounding heart. It's almost as good as when I land a hard jump on the ice. You eyes widen, lips parting, and heart pounding as you watch Tendou block a ball, sending it careening down to the other side of the court.

Not too long after you'd gotten to Shiratorizawa a college team had arrived for a practice match. And Shiratorizawa was completely decimating them.

"Wow..." You murmur in amazement. Volleyball really is something else. There's just something so enthralling about it. You feel like you could watch it forever.

This was nothing like Nekoma. Shiratorizawa attacked with raw power while Nekoma was a bit heavier on the defensive. Both teams seemed to be powerful but Shiratorizawa seemed to stick in your mind, maybe it was because of your cousin.

Eventually the game comes to a close. Shiratorizawa taking the win. However the college did manage to take a set away.


You, Ushijima, and Tendou were walking the third year dorm hallways towards Ushijima and Tendou's shared room, so Ushijima could collect his bags and head home for the night before both you and him left early for Kita Ward.

"So Y/N chan~ What'd you think of the game?"

"I thought it was amazing," You bring a hand up to your heart "My heart was racing when I was watching you guys. I guess I couldn't believe it. I mean, yeah i've seen a game or two before. I guess it's just different when your there..."

Tendou glances back at you with a smile, "Well Y/N chan~, It sounds like your on your way to becoming an avid volleyball fan!"

You hum, removing your hand "It sounds a lot more likely than I'd thought before I joined my schools team."

Idk, i don't really like how this ended.
Also, i have like 10 finishes chapters of AOT and no idea when to publish them.
ALSO also,, i started reading Blue Lock and wtf it's so freaking good!!! Lmao, i also finished killing stalking and i'm pretty sure they're both [ERADICATED].

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