Chapter 1: Takeoff

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NEW STORY TIME! I have been putting off starting this for some long and for a variety of reasons I said fuck it and decided to start it now. Will I keep up with it consistently? Who knows!

This is going to be significantly shorter than most of my other chapters. This is to act as an introduction and as a teaser. I want to give you guys a taste of what I plan to do with this story. The updates on this one will probably be at a slower pace since I want to catch my Yang story up, but like I said I want this one to be here as a teaser. It will also allow another creative outlet in case I get stuck on the other two. It will allow me to write a different story and get out of my writer's block for the other two! Basically, this is a pilot episode!

Now, without prolonging this any longer than I already have...god I asked you guys about this back in like June or something and here we finally are...I present to you: The Wind Beneath My Wings: A Blake x Male Reader Story.

"Come on! Get down from there!" You hear a sweet voice yell from below.

"You know that you can climb up here! Come on Blake!" You yell down to her. You look down and see her look back up at you with a soft smile. She takes a few steps back before running forward, using her quick reflexes to grab at small cracks in the rooks as she scales the cliff side. A few moments later, she hops up next to you.

"See...I told you you could do it." You say with a smirk.

"Yeah, but it is easy for you. You have those."

"What? You don't like em?"

"You know I like know I have just been jealous of them since we have been kids." She says shyly.

"Jealous of what? You know they can be a hassle. Can get in the way while fighting, hard to wear clothing, have to clean them."

"Okay, but you know..."

"Oh I can do this?" You stand up and stretch you arms above your head. You turn and give Blake a wink before jumping off of the cliff. You hurtle towards the ground, the air rushing past you as you howl with glee. Before you reach the ground, you extend you wings and soar up into the sky and feel the wind flow through you hair.

"God this will never get old." You say to yourself as you feel your momentum slowly fade. You flap your wings, powerful strokes keeping you at the level of the cliff Blake is sitting on. You fly over, hovering a few feet away from the cliff as she shakes her head and smiles at you.

"You know you still scare me every time that you do that." She says, her tone expressing disapproval, but her face telling you a different story.

"Hmmm I think someone wants a ride?" You ask with a smirk.

"I...umm..." You see her face going red as she scratches one of her ears. You reach your hand out to her and smile.

"Come on kitty cat. We have been friends for a long enough time that you know you can trust me."

"You know I hate when you call me that." She says in a flustered tone, her face getting even redder. You reach forward, grab her hand, and pull her off the cliff and into your arms.

"Just hold on."

"(Y/N)! No!" You hear her squeal as you soar towards the ground. She wraps her arms tightly around you and closes her eyes as you let out a howl. Eventually after some gliding, you land softly onto the ground.

"You can let go now." You say to her after being on the ground for a few minutes.

"Oh...yeah right..." She lets go of you and you set her down.

The Wind Beneath My Wings: Blake x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now