Chapter 12 - The Final Battle

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"Lal's going to explain the plan," The pinky mentioned to the place where everyone is gathered.

"Tsuna, you'll stay here with the rest of your guardians and also girls, Reborn, Shoichi, Spanner, Gianini," Tsuna looks bothered but didn't say anything, "We can't let you to fall onto Byakuran's hand again, let us do this," After few seconds, the brunet finally agree.

"It's okay, Tsuna-sama, we'll be here also," Hayato smiled.

"Then the rest will face Byakuran. Varia will meet you there," Shoichi said.

After the plan explanation, they start getting ready for the final battle. Ieyasu looked at his brother who is shaking badly and walked there.

Tsuna clutched onto he pacifiers tighly, "Soon..." Unnoticed by him, Ieyasu pull him into a hug, making his eyes widened, "Ie-nii?"

"Trust me, Tsuna, I will win this fight," The blonde said.

"I...I never doubt that you will win this, nii-san," He wanted to tell him, but instead all that got out is tears and sobbing. He hugged the blonde tighter, this might be the last time he can hug him like this. "God I will miss this. Gomenasai, Ie-nii,"

With that, Ieyasu and his guardians went out leaving Tsuna and the others behind.


"Hayato," Hayato looked at the brunet with saddened look. Tsuna's other guardians just smiled. They know what will happen next.

Ieyasu look back at Tsuna. He just couldn't help to feel that the hug feels like a farewell.


*Time Skip because I'm sucks with writing battle scene*

Hours have passed when Ieyasu and his companions start their battle with Millefiore. They have taken down the funeral wreaths and the Byakuran from another parallel world. Now all left is Byakuran himself and Ieyasu.

Byakuran laughed at Ieyasu who looks pathetically being restrained by his power, making him unable to do anything.

"Just give up, Vongola Decimo. Give Tsu-chan back to me and maybe I'll be kind enough to let you live," Byakuran said, tightening the restrain on Ieyasu. The blonde bit back a scream when his broken ribs got crushed.

"GIOTTO!" G yelled out. Fliching back when his wounds start to bleed again.

Everyone is in a bad shape, exhausted to their limit. Ieyasu clenched his hands, refusing to give up. He would rather face death than giving Tsuna and the future to this psycho. Someone like Byakuran is not worthy to be in hold of the tri-ni-sette.

What can he do? He used his flames to fight the other Byakuran, and it took so much to defeat him. He's exhausted.

"Tsuna.." Was all he can think off before his consciousness started to drift away.

"nii...Ie-nii..up Mou! Ie-nii~ Wake up!" Ieyasu opened his eyes and saw little Tsuna pouting cutely above him.

"Tsuna?!" Ieyasu exclaimed, surprising the brunet.

"Tsuna has a bad dream, nii-san. Can Tsuna sleep with nii-san?" Tsuna asked. Ieyasu notice few tear drops on Tsuna's face. He wiped it with his hands, smiling softly before giving some spaces for Tsuna to sleep.

"Tsuna do you trust me to chase the bad dreams away?" Ieyasu asked.

"Um! Nii-san will always protect Tsuna and Tsuna will always protect nii-san!" Ieyasu looks shocked for a bit, "Because Mama said twins will always stick together forever," Tsuna said before falling asleep.

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