☆ T W E N T Y - F I V E ☆

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annie had left to go to the grocery store as johnny had woken up from a nap.she left a note for him as he picked it up to read.
hey John,
I went out to the grocery store. I'm running pretty low on necessities. Call me if you need or want anything. It shouldn't take that long. Help yourself to anything. I'll see you soon <3

he smiled at the note and realized how lucky he was to talk to someone so perfect.as he drowned in these thoughts,his phone began to buzz.he checked who it was and it was the one and only,emily.
"hello?"he asked.
"well,well,well.look who it is."
"what do you want?"
"look.these games that you're  playing with me is not okay!"
"just because we hooked up a few times doesn't mean i like you.i'm sorry,i should've made that more clear."
"all because of that annie chick isn't it?"
"don't you dare even bring her up.what's the deal with you commenting that under my Instagram post,huh?"
"shut up.you know you love me.what we had,was,was-"
"nothing but a hookup.no feelings.nothing.i'm sorry em,i just don't like you like that." he said,as there was a pause on the other side of the line. "you're a great girl,we just-aren't meant for each other."he said,trying to ease the conversation.
"you know what,johnny?"
"you will pay."
"not only will you just go through the pain i did,but i will put annie through the pain i'm going through.this is all because of her."she said,as she hung up.johnny angrily threw his phone across the bed and grunted.little did he know,annie was on the other side of the door listening to the conversation.

in less than thirty seconds,annie's bedroom door opened.she gave johnny a weak smile as a million thoughts raced into her head. "hey."he said,with a smile across his face.

"hi.what's up with you?"she asked,pretending to not have heard the conversation-in hopes he'll tell her.
"well.this girl named emily called who i work with.she's my little sisters friend,she's appeared in some videos.we've hooked up before,and she took it seriously i guess.she's all over my case now."he said, with a sigh.

"do you still like her?"annie asked,as a gulp formed in her throat. she shouldn't care,right?she doesn't even trust guys after what had happened to her,what makes her think this playboy famous rich kid wouldn't be any different? "no."he said,as he looked in her eyes. "i-i did a bit.but I only hooked up with her just to hook up.i mean i've hooked up with quite a bit of girls,"he said,as he noticed her face. "bleck,"she said,as she made a disgusted look. "but you're different."he said,to top it off.she smiled.however,she looked scared.

"come here."he said to her as she did.he made her sit down on his lap as she faced him. "i shouldn't be."she said. "hell to the yes,you should." he said,as he looked directly at her. "you looked scared.you won't lose me to anyone,especially her,okay?i love you.and i am in love with you.not her."he admitted.he had said his feelings for her. "you love me?"she asked. "of course."he said,as he kissed her.

𝑊𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐺 𝑁𝑈𝑀𝐵𝐸𝑅 | 𝐽𝑂𝐻𝐴𝑁𝑁𝐼𝐸Where stories live. Discover now