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"dude-i cannot believe you were on tik tok room,"jayden said,as the three girls were walking to class.now that annie was on this tea page on instagram,she's been getting so much recognition from johnny's fans and other fandoms.she did have some hate-but nothing that could've compared to her childhood.annie's childhood is really what shaped her to be who she is today.apart from caleb dying,there was other things that have happened-which not even jayden or kenzie know about yet.some may say annie is a cold,not nice and rude person-but she doesn't trust people easily.or open up.

"dude i didn't even know what it was until i was on it."annie replied. the three girls walked into class and sat down.everyone gave annie a look.she rolled her eyes and payed attention in class.

"wanna go out to lunch?"kenzie asked;as jayden and annie nodded.school was over and they were all going back home. but before that,they just went out to eat. "chipotle?"annie asked. "you bet.our classic,"kenzie said ,as she put the key in the car and drove to chipotle.they don't live on campus-so they all drive to school together.

they got to chipotle and ordered their meals and sat down. "so,jay how're you and armani?"kenzie asked,poking at her chicken. "we're great!honestly,he's a great guy,"jayden complimented.armani and jayden have been dating since high school-they were like the high school sweethearts of every school.the trio was happy to see them all happy. "that's amazing,jay,"said annie. "yeah-we are really happy for you.but if he hurts you,i will beat him,"kenzie replied.the girls laugh.kenzie always has their backs if anyone hurts them.

"how're you and isaak?"jayden asked with a spoonful of rice in her mouth. "same as you-surprisingly great.you know-we have our ups and downs.but,for the most part great,"said kenzie. "remember when you got into a mental breakdown and cut your hair when you thought he was cheating on you-but he was really with his sister?"annie asked,as she burst into laughter.jayden couldn't help but laugh as kenzie tried not to.

"shut the fuck up annie."kenzie said-giving her the finger. "how's you and your lover boy,huh?orlando,"kenzie replied,emphasizing the orlando. "i wouldn't know.he isn't my lover boy,anyway.i don't care,"said annie blankly. "speaking of caring-"jayden said. "does anyone know who those girls are?"she asked.kenzie and annie turned around and raised an eyebrow. "no,the fuck."kenzie said. "well they're coming towards us,"said jayden.

the three girls came-running over to the girls' table.they all looked fifteen. "oh my fucking god!"one yelled. "who are you?"jayden asked. "you're johnny's mystery girl!"said another one. "first of all,no.i'm not.how do you even know me?"annie asked.

"johnny was so talking about you on his twitter!are you guys dating?"a girl asked. "i would so love to date him.sexy man.he's so amazing.his voice is like angels in heaven."said another,gushing. "told ya,"jayden whispered,in annie's ear.she rolled her eyes.

"we aren't dating,okay?we don't even talk.can you guys just leave me alone?i don't like all this attention.if you care so much about johnny,go find him and talk to him.goddamn,"annie said,annoyed.

"you clearly are rude.i don't know how johnny even puts up with your lame ass,"said a girl. kenzie stood up and tied her hair back.annie and jayden facepalmed themselves,as annie held kenzie back. "you want to talk shit about my best friend,bitch?go fuck your self you stupid-"

"look-i'm sorry for the way i came across.it's just-i'm new to this whole thing-i've never gotten this much attention and i'm sure as hell not getting it now.i don't want it.just please-i don't want to be known as this "mystery girl"of johnny's,k?"annie said,very vulnerably.

kenzie let go of her grip,as she stood there.jayden was kind of shocked too.that was the most they've seen her defend herself. "look,i don't know what johnny sees in you-because it's definitely not personality.maybe a tiny bit of prettiness but that's it.he'll just use you and drop you,"said a girl-as kenzie pulled her hair. "mackenzie frances ziegler!"jayden yelled.

"i'm going to have to ask you all to leave,"said a chipotle worker. "we're done anyways,"replied annie,throwing away the empty chipotle boxes.they all left the store and jayden had pulled kenzie away from really fighting these teenage girls.annie had felt hurt.was she really this rude as she's come across as?was she a bitch?i mean,you can thank my childhood and the horrible things that have happened to me for that,thought annie.

they all sat in kenzie's car-a million thoughts happening in each girls head. "so,did we enjoy class today?and are we ready for the text next week?"asked annie,as they looked at her with a "seriously that's what you're thinking of when you just got attacked by teenagers face?" guess not everyone can relate to that face.or situation.

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