¤~|| Chapter Twelve | The Oracle and a Warning ||~¤

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Hai ppl, I'm alive


Orcale: A prophetess who gets prophecies from the spirit of Delphi.

I love prophecies too much akdnwkd Apollo side of me is going wacko for them. Pardon but I will never stop prophecy-ing.

And ehem, I got fanart.

Credit to @DogInATuxedo for these awesome fanarts! :D

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Credit to @DogInATuxedo for these awesome fanarts! :D

Also, I completely forgot the fact the three were bringing around a Medusa head. So basically just think Six forgot it somewhere and that nearly killed someone.

Onward ho, my readers!


.: Six's P.o.V. :.
.: First Person :.

I stared down on the ground as we headed back to the tents. I wondered what Shadow Six will be doing now, I trust her that she doesn't mean harm, but I wondered what she does all those time before she found me. Perhaps next time I meet her I will ask.

But she said something about world domination - even if it was by accident. I'm not sure if I misheard it but if those monsters, shadow children, and the Lady herself is thinking of something bad, I don't think this will just become any simple escape mission.

"Guys! I've been looking for you, everywhere!"

I snapped out of my train of thought and looked up to see Three running up to us. She took a minute to take her breath before looking at us, Five stepped closer to the daughter of Ares, "What is wrong Three?"

Three inhaled deeply, "Two was looking for you, where were you guys?"

"Apples went missing," Mono explained and Three rose her eyebrow while looking at Apples who was in Five's arms protectively. Apples nodded, "Apples," he said agreeingly.

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