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" p-principal Fredrick I-I can explain " ruby tried saying but couldn't find the words " no need I've heard enough ruby " Fredrick said walking inside the room

" you and your siblings have threatened a student and y'all's own sister . Y'all rigged the votes for king and queen . And lastly y'all have abused y'all's sister. I have no choice, but to expel the Richard family from corona high school " the principal said in all seriousness " except for Sapphire "

Ruby turned to sapphire in anger " this , isn't , over "

Sapphire glanced over to Cassandra with a smile and back to her sister " yeah were worried " Cassandra said sarcastically

" now y'all have a week to move out of dorms and leave this school " the principal said before leaving the room

" and I'd say we leave before my sisters kill us . Come cass " sapphire said grabbing her friends arm dragging her out of the room

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