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( i'm a horrible artist, but I do own the image above)

A couple of weeks later Cassandra finally got used to the school and her schedule. Every day the gang wad meet in the same place and on the weekends they wad all meet at the snuggling duckling . It was going slow till one Saturday

Cass was getting ready to meat the others , but she was nervous because today she was going to try to ask a certain guy out . She was trying to calm down in the girls restroom till a familiar voice Caught her attention

" well nice to see you again Cassandra " the dark haired girl turned around to see sapphire

" well hello sapphire, look if your here for fight then I should remind you that I can send you to the nurse's room in less than 4.6 seconds " Cassandra said crossing her arms

Sapphire let out a fake laugh as she began to speak
" I'm not hear for a fight silly I just simply want to talk " she explained with a fake smile

" talk ? about what " Cassandra asked as she raised her eyebrow . After cass asked that sapphire gave her a glare and a evil smile as she ripped the Locket off Cassandra's neck

" hay give that back that's the - " cass began but was interrupted by sapphire " - the last thing your mother gave you " sapphire said as Cassandra gasped and her eyes widened

" how did you " Cassandra asked but was interrupted again " I do my research " she said opening the locket as she continued " now what wad your adopted father say and do if he found out Gothel is biological mother "

Cass stood there in fear she new exactly what he wad do . She sighed before she started " what do I need to do to make sure you don't tell him miss popular "

" easy do exactly as I say "

" like "

Sapphire cleared her throat " ditch rapunzel and her friends and join me and my sisters " " WHAT " Cassandra almost shouted but sapphire shushed her

" your going to start acting like us . that means pink , dresses, high heels, Girly " sapphire said making it clear. the dark haired girl's wanted to say something, but couldn't find any words

" and lastly your going to git back together with my brother " sapphire said coldly with the same evil smile on her lips

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