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The next day cass was sitting next to sapphire and Andrew at lunch . " so who are you going to the winter dance with " Ruby asked as sapphire let out a small little laugh

" that's easy I'm obviously going with Eugene " wen cass heard this she looked over to her confused " did you ask him " " well .... no , but " sapphire said " then he's going with Rapunzel " Cassandra said with a little chuckle

" well if your going to ask him to the dance , then your going to want to do it soon because the dance is in 2 days " ruby informed her after swallowing her food

" i'm planning on doing it today " sapphire said In a low voice and looked over at cass " so Cassandra who you going to the dance with "

" that's even easier than the question last night , Me" Andrew said proudly. Cass rolled her eyes and caught her attention on the kid she actually wanted to ask


" so Eugene if your not going to the dance with any-" a brunette asked Eugene but was interrupted by him
" sorry, but I'm going with rapunzel " he explained

" o-ok " she said and walked back to her table " speaking of the dance hay kid who you gonna go with " Eugene asked as varian looked up

" I'm sorry what " the kid asked " who you going to the dance with , I mean I know for a fact that a least 6 girls here like you "

Varian hesitated before he answered " um I'm not going with anyone "

Lance began to speak , but varian zoned out and Cassandra caught his attention. She was speaking with sapphire as Andrew had his arm around her

Varian sighed knowing that he couldn't ask her for she was already dating Andrew , and he didn't have a chance with her

He was back in reality at Eugene's voice
"Don't tell me your planing on asking dragon lady to the dance " " what , oh of course not , I was looking at ... umm faith " he lied

" well then go ask her to the dance " lance said pushing the boy out of his chair

" WHAT , but I ,-" varian tried to say but remembered what he said and looked at his friends and went over to Faith's table


Cassandra was talking with sapphire wen varian walked passed and stoped at the table behind her . She looked back to see what he was doing

" oh hay varian what's up " faith asked as varian stoped in front of her " um yeah well Faith will you go to the winter dance with me " varian asked not wanting to

Cassandra froze in disbelief. Faith jumped up and hugged varian " YES , YES , YES " she said happily .

Cass turned back to her table holding back her tears

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