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" so can I have this dance m'lady " Andrew asked the black haired girl next to him . " NO " Cassandra quickly replied annoyed as she watched rapunzel and Eugene dancing

but she couldn't seem to find varian and Faith anywhere. The whole night diamond had this wicked evil smile on her face, but cass couldn't explain why

Hours passed and varian came in with Faith . 5 more hours passed by and ruby pulled Cassandra to a spot in front of the stage were they could here Principal Frederick speak

The principle handed the mike to his daughter after getting everyone's attention . Rapunzel cleared her throat as she began to speak

" hello everyone, I wad like to thank y'all for coming out tonight to are school Winter Wonderland, and present our winter King and Queen " rapunzel said happily " now are queen is ...." raps said opening the envelope

" she's obviously going to win because she's the daughter of the principal " sapphire whispered to Cassandra

Rapunzel managed to hear what she said and cleared her throat before continuing " and just for those of you who think that the votes have been rigged . than think again because the winner is ....." raps said looking at the paper in her hand

Her eyes widened at the response " cass-andra Moon" she said hesitant

At the sound of her name Cassandra's eyes widened in shock and gasped as Sapphire and Ruby pushed her to the stage to receive her crown as Diamond stood there with her evil smirk

Cassandra's and raps gaze connected as they put the crown onto cass . Rapunzel was given the second envelope " and the king is ..." she opened it and read the name " Varian James " raps said proudly

Cassandra's eyes widened again, but this time in fear Varian became her King . He walked up to the stage and was given his crown

" y'all can tell everyone a speech or go straight to the slow dance " rapunzel said giving them their two decisions

" I'll skip the speech " varian said " me too " cass said quietly . Then the students cleared the floor for them

Varian put his hands around her waist and cass put her arms around his neck then the music played " look varian I know your mad at me ,I'd be mad at me too , but if you'd just let me explain "

" cass I " he was about to tell her how he felt , but while Cassandra's mouth was opened trying to find the right words her voice said something that she didn't say

" I'm sorry what " varian asked after hearing her voice

" did I stutter idiot " cass said not even opening her mouth . " varian I didn't say that , I didn't say anything, I promise " she said as varian let her go stepping Back

" and right before I was about to forgive you to " varian said leaving the room " VARIAN WAIT " cass screamed running after him

But before she could reach the door sapphire stoped her " Cassandra stop " " let me go " the black haired girl said setting her arm free

She stoped not even trying to leave anymore as it hit her " YOU DID THIS " Cassandra said in anger

" I'm sorry " sapphire said stepping back " YOU DID THIS . I DON'T HAVE ANY PROF BUT I KNOW YOUR RESPONSIBLE SAPPHIRE "cass said making a seen

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