14; The Journal Entry

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"So what I'm hearing is, we're sneaking into your mom's room again?"

Jungkook nodded as Hoseok looked unsure. "Yeah, we found this book," he said holding up the book in hand. "That contained some information about that cursed object that cursed Taehyung's family, so there's got to be more information about it in my mom's room."

"But how are we supposed to do it without getting caught?" Asked Taehyung. "We almost got caught last time and had to hid in the closet together while Hoseok his under the bed."

"We can do it during dinner. Everyone will be busy eating," Jungkook said.

Hoseok and Taehyung nodded, liking Jungkook's idea. "Okay, let's get going then, it's almost dinner," Hoseok said as he grabbed the book that Jungkook was talking about.

Hoseok and Taehyung stood outside of the artifact store as they waited for Jungkook to lock up. When he was done, they headed up to Mount Olympus.

They found Seokjin outside with his boyfriend, Namjoon, talking about who knows what in hushed voices.

As they walked past them, Jungkook stared at his brother who met his gaze before looking away, minding his business. Meanwhile, Seokjin's gaze caught sight of the book in Hoseok's hand that Hoseok forgot to cover up.

Cursed Objects and Artifacts, read the title. Seokjin wondered why Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung would need that book and what for.

"Alright, let me check if my mom is in the dining room before we go to her room," whispered Jungkook as they stood in the hallway outside the dining room.

Hoseok and Taehyung nodded while Jungkook poked his head in the dining room looking around.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi asked, coming into Jungkook's view.

"Have you seen my mom?" Asked Jungkook quietly while looking around the dining room.

"She's with my dad as usual," said Yoongi before signaling with his head in the direction of Aphrodite and Eros. The mother and eldest son were sitting at the far end of the table, talking to the other gods around them.

"Perfect, if mom or Eros or even Seokjin ask where I am, tell them that I'm in my room, but that I'll head down soon," whispered Jungkook as he dashed out of the dining room, not letting Yoongi get the chance to ask what he was up to now. He hoped Jungkook wasn't causing mischief again.

"They're busy, let's go," whispered Jungkook after getting back with Hoseok and Taehyung.

The three of them hurried to Aphrodite's room, running in the hallways without making too much noise.

"Okay, Hoseok, you check there, Taehyung, you check over there, and I will check here," said Jungkook as he assigned different areas of the room.

"What are we looking for exactly?" Asked Taehyung as he scanned the bookshelf in Aphrodite's room. "Another book?"

"Anything that contains information about cursed artifacts," said Jungkook as he opened a drawer only to close it shut right away after finding his mom's undergarment drawer. He wished he didn't have to see that.

"There's nothing here," said Hoseok as he rummaged through his mom's closet, only to find clothes and many pairs of shoes.

"The book you have Hoseok was found in my mom's room. Why would she hide a book that contains information about cursed artifacts hidden in her room in the first place? She probably has something hidden somewhere, in a not so noticeable area."

Taehyung listened as his fingers trailed down the spines of the books placed on Aphrodite's bookshelf. His fingers stopped upon noticing a unique book. Curiously, he pulled it out and opened it up to find a journal entry on the first page.

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