8; Fake Dating

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To the seven wonderful men in the world who constantly remind us to love ourselves and who have helped us in many ways, we would have never imagined, happy 7th birthday BTS


Seokjin wasn't very convinced, but nonetheless, he still walked out of the artifact store after he had completely forgotten why he even went to the artifact store.

As he walked, he noticed his nephew walking in the direction that he was coming from. Walking alongside him was a pink-haired boy who Seokjin guessed was the human that Jungkook shot with the love arrow.

"Yoongi," Seokjin greeted as the said male was approaching.

"Hi Seokjin, this is Jimin-"

"The human who's sexually attracted to because of Jungkook?"

"I...well...yes and no. Yeah, Jungkook shot the love arrow, but neither of us knew that Jimin would become sexually attracted to me," Yoongi explained. "So it's not all Jungkook's fault."

"Of course it's Jungkook's fault. You wouldn't be here babysitting this human if it weren't for him. Why are you even defending him?" Seokjin asked as he glanced at the human who had his arms wrapped around Yoongi like a leach.

"Jungkook is my best friend, why wouldn't I defend him? Besides, I told you, neither Jungkook nor I knew that Jimin would be sexually attracted to me."

"Yoongi, let's go back," Jimin whined as he pressed his body against Yoongi's side.

Yoongi jolted away, but Jimin quickly grabbed him again and wrapped his arms and the young god's waist. "Wow, your waist is so tiny."

"Jimin, don't touch me like that, especially while we're in public."

"So what you're saying is that I can touch you how I want when we're alone?" Jimin asked as he smirked.

Yoongi's eyes widened. "No, that's not what I meant and besides, you need my consent to touch me like that."

Jimin pouted. "But Yoongi, I love you."

Yoongi shook his head. "Jimin, you don't love me. You're just sexually attracted to you."

"Please Yoongi, I want to show you how much I love you."

"No Jimin," said Yoongi before he turned back to Seokjin. "I was going to see Jungkook, to see if he could help me with something."

"How would Jungkook help you?"

Yoongi didn't want to tell Seokjin about Jungkook's secret especially after he promised Jungkook that he wouldn't tell anyone. What kind of best friend would he be if he told Seokjin?

"I don't know, I was just hoping he would be able to help me somehow."

Seokjin scoffed. "Yeah, good luck with that."

As they began to walk their own separate ways, Seokjin suddenly remembered his conversation with Jungkook.

"Hey, Yoongi?" He called out as he turned around.

Yoongi turned as well and he walked back up to Seokjin. "What?"

"Did you know that Jungkook and Taehyung are dating?"

"What? They're dating?" Yoongi asked confused.

"Who's Jungkook and Taehyung?" Asked Jimin, confused as well. "Yoongi, why can't we date?"

"Jimin, you're just sexually attracted to me. Our relationship would be toxic if all you wanted was sex."

"So you didn't know that they're dating?" Asked Seokjin.

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