11; Chocolate Dipped Strawberries

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#16 in Dionysus thank you all so much 🥺


The rest of the week consisted of the three young gods trying to find any more information they could on the cursed artifact, but they were left with nothing.

Now, it was the weekend which meant Jungkook would be going on a double date with his fake boyfriend, Taehyung, and the real couple, Seokjin and Namjoon.

"Don't even fucking dare touch my hand," Jungkook warned in a low voice as his older brother walked ahead with his boyfriend.

"We held hands before, why would it be such a big deal now? We're not even really dating, to begin with," Taehyung whispered.

"We can convince them that we're dating without holding hands," Jungkook whispered back.

Seokjin and Namjoon suddenly stopped walking as they stopped in front of a park. They were currently in the human world, Seokjin holding a basket with food inside while Taehyung held a basket with food in it as well. He didn't want to appear rude like Jungkook and not bring anything even though they were just pretending to date in front of others.

They sat down under a tree to avoid the bright sun and to shield their eyes. It was too sunny for no absolute reason, or at least that's what Jungkook said that morning as he was talking to Yoongi about his fake date with Taehyung.

It's the evening, how is the sun still shining so bright? Jungkook asked himself and then he remembered that Hoseok was the son Apollo and figured that his friend had something to do with it.

Namjoon unfortunately, couldn't keep his balance and ended up falling on the ground, rubbing his ass in pain while Seokjin sighed and told his boyfriend to be careful.

"Sorry guysssssss," Namjoon dragged out the word. He was clearly drunk.

"Namjoon, I brought some orange juice instead of wine this time. Is that okay?" Seokjin asked.

Namjoon whined. "But I want my grape flavored wine!"

"There are people watching," Seokjin quietly said in an attempt to calm his boyfriend down and avoiding the passing people's stares.

"I have grapes," Taehyung spoke up causing Namjoon's eyes to widen in happiness.

Jungkook watched as his fake boyfriend handed some grapes to Namjoon while Seokjin thanked him. The younger god helped take out the rest of the food from the baskets and laid it on a yellow cloth that Taehyung had brought.

"You seem to prepared for a fake date," Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ear.

"There are other ways to make it look convincing other than holding hands," Taehyung reminded the younger in a whisper so Seokjin or Namjoon couldn't hear.

Jungkook huffed in annoyance and began to eat the food, not bothering to wait for anyone.

"Wow Jungkook, are you hungry?" Asked Seokjin as he noticed his younger brother already eating the food.

"Don't eat all the grapesssss," Namjoon slurred.

Jungkook put some grapes aside for Namjoon as Taehyung and Seokjin began to eat as well. Seokjin had even begun to feed his drunk boyfriend some of the other food they had brought.

Taehyung was watching the interaction and how much effort Seokjin was putting into feeding his boyfriend despite how drunk Namjoon was. He grabbed a strawberry from the container of strawberries that he had also brought and dipped it into the chocolate dip before turning to Jungkook.

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