"Actually we'll split into two groups before we end up with two missing people." I laughed and agreed with him, Bokuto needs a full time baby sitter. He really isn't that stupid he just gets ahead of himself and a little too excited sometimes.

I walked towards stands we visited, games we played, and even the fast food place but Kenma wasn't anywhere to be seen. I just need to think like Kenma thinks, I've talked to him quite a bit now I need to put myself in his shoes. What does he like to do? Insult me. That doesn't really help me find him though. Ok if I was lost in a city I didn't know much about I'd go somewhere I did know. But we've already checked everywhere except the whole boardwalk. If he did come here though where would he be. He doesn't like crowds, so he probably would have gone somewhere more quiet. I looked around frantically for somewhere with the fewest amount of people. The beach.

The beach was dark and cold, since I'd given away my sweatshirt, but with less people around it was easier for me to see the lone boy sitting by the water. The red sweatshirt and mostly blonde hair kinda gave it away.

Kenma's POV

"Kenma!" I heard my name being called and looked over towards the source of the sound, Kuroo. I smiled as he made his way over and sat down next to me.

'Sorry.' I signed to him as he leaned against me, most likely for warmth since I did take his sweatshirt. I felt a bit bad since he was probably freezing right now but I enjoyed sitting so close to him so I wasn't going to say anything.

"You know I promised I wasn't gonna let her do anything to you." He sounded kinda sad, I did trust him it wasn't that, my body just went into autopilot and my first response was to run.

'I know I was just scared.' I looked away and played with the sand next to me. Suddenly a hand crept into my peripheral vision and grabbed my own hand. My face immediately got hot, again with the embarrassment. For someone who doesn't normally get embarrassed I'm sure getting flustered a lot. Oh shit. Now that I actually think about it, it kinda makes a lot of sense.

"You don't have to be scared," I looked up at him and saw him staring at me. "I promise she won't do anything to you every again." His words calmed me down and made one thing very clear to me. I probably love Kuroo. I've never really loved anyone before so I didn't really get it at first but I'm not an idiot, plus I read a lot so I get some things. I mean I blush every time he touches me, I enjoyed him sitting so close, and I literally ran away from home to be with him. Now I feel kind of stupid, I really couldn't have figured this out sooner. I don't really think about soulmates all that much since I'll never be able to find mine, but I mean Kuroo's wrist is blank so there's a chance he could be mine. I looked up and saw him looking out at the ocean. I tapped his shoulder to grab his attention.

'What if you never find your soulmate?' It was a bit out of the blue and he looked a bit flustered by it but I do really want to know. Plus there's no real point in beating around the bush. I just want to know if he likes me back, my heart was beating fast and I was nervous to ask but that's not gonna stop me. If I can handle my mother everyday confessing my newly realized feelings should be rather easy.

"I think as long as I find someone I loved I wouldn't care if they were my soulmate or not." He responded not taking his eyes off me which I was thankful for since I had more to ask him about.

'Well then do you lo-' I was cut off when he phone began to ring and he looked down at it.

"Oh it's Akaashi he's probably worried one second." He answered it and began to tell Akaashi where he was and that he found me. I fell bad for bringing those two into this but not much I can do about that now, all the attention was kinda bothering me though. He hung up his phone and I could see Akaashi and Bokuto approaching in the distance. "Sorry what were you saying?" I didn't really want to confess my feelings in front of an audience so it'd have to wait till later. Oh yeah speaking of later.

'It can wait but what are we going to do about tonight?'

"What do you mean?"

'Can I really keep staying at your house? I feel kind of bad for intruding.' Last night I was too hoped up on adrenaline to fully understand what was happening but now that everything's calmed down I realized Kuroo's parents might not want me staying there. I don't even know when or if I'd be going back home.

"You should probably meet my parents but they won't have an issue with you staying." With that Akaashi and Bokuto reached us and we both stood up ready for the walk back home. I'll make sure to tell him tonight if I didn't fall asleep first, I didn't realize how drained I was till now.





Next chapters gonna be very <3

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