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I can't remember if this is the first time writing in Yoongles's POV, but I think it is.

Here goes...!


Yoongi first person pov:

I love my band members. I do, and I wouldn't change a thing about them (although they could turn down the volume a notch). I love that I can do what I love to do for a living and that so many people all over the world love my music. I'm quite literally: "Living the dream". But sometimes you need a break!

So, whenever I've got writer's block, or just can't think straight, I'll go to the basketball court in the next building to shoot some hoops and try to take my mind off things.

When my parents first made me play basketball, I didn't want to like it. I'd much rather be up in my room, working on my music. But I really grew to love the sport, and now it's become my refuge in times of stress and overwork when I need to stop writing and working. Irony.

Prying open the large door, I step into the room and onto the court. My sneakers squeak and rub as I walk and I can see flashes of my reflection on the shining floor. But something else has caught my attention.

It seems someone else had the idea to come here and blow off some steam: Diana.

Diana is by the wall on the far side of the room with her back to me. She stands in her stretchy leggings and a tank top, with a pair of black converse on her feet. Quickly spinning the ball she lifts her arms and shoots. The ball makes a delicate arc in the air before falling through the net with a SWOOSH!

Before I know what I'm doing I clap and walk toward her. The effect is immediate. Her sneakers let out a terrific screech as she whips herself around and faces me. Recognition washes over her face and something like embarrassment as she makes a quick bow.

"You know you don't have to do that anymore." I huff a laugh. "I thought we were beyond formalities."

"Sorry." She blushes. "I, I didn't mean to intrude if you..." she gestures to the court.

"No, no. If anything I'm intruding on you."

"But this is your court."

"It's not actually, but I'm the only one who uses it." I shrug. "Besides you."

She smiles and jogs over to where the ball has stopped bouncing, picks it up, and passes it to me. "You have a break?"

"Yeah, I wanted to clear my head. You?" I ask and score a layup.

She catches the ball on the second bounce and turns it over a few times before answering. "Back in LA, we- my friends and I- would play basketball a lot. There's a court by our houses. I guess I'm just used to playing a lot."

I nod and she bounces it over to me. "I heard your friend was here yesterday," I say looking at her sideways. "Peter was it?" She nods and bites her lip, a frown settling over her face. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry."

"No, that's fine." She shrugs. "Peter was my friend- well, boyfriend actually- from when I was a kid. We grew up together."

"And are you....." I ask cautiously.

"Are we soulmates?" she asks, and I nod my head.

"No. No. We've got different tattoos." She says but seems lost in thought. I dribble the ball around my legs and pass it back to her.

"You ok?"

Diana jerks her gaze to look at me and sighs. "I don't know. I.." she takes a breath and shuts her eyes tight. "I guess I just find the whole soulmate thing hard to believe at times."

I would be inclined to say the same, had I not seen what it did to Jin Hyung. The way he and Kate are together, it's like no one else in the world matters, like they would do anything for each other. But then the whole thing with Jungkook and Diana... Why is he so obsessed with her when they have different tattoos? Why haven't I found my soulmate yet? Will I ever find her? Does she even want me?

Somehow through all of these thoughts, "Sure, sure." Is the only thing that comes out.

Diana opens her eyes and smiles at me with sad eyes. "My parents are soulmates, some of my friends are soulmates. And they're so happy. Unbelievably happy. Like movie love, brought to life. But I just keep messing things up."

She blinks rapidly and shoots the ball. It misses but she doesn't seem to notice or care as she walks to the bench on the sidelines and takes a seat. "What do you mean?" I ask joining her on the bench.

"I, umm." She seems to wrestle with herself for a minute before looking at me in the eye. "Could you not mention this to anyone?"

I want to hear what she has to say but what if I need to tell Kookie? How am I supposed to be a good friend and a good Hyung at the same time? Giving in to the former, I nod my head and she continues.

"A few weeks ago... Jake sort of... Asked me out..."

Jake? Jake?

As in, our instructor and person who's been working with Diana? Asked her out out? On, on a date?! Like people eating food or movies?! Like a date, date?!

"What did.... Ummm..... What did you say?"

If she decided to go out with him then that would complicate things by a lot! I know for sure his tattoo is different from the one on her wrist. How would Jungkook take this?! He should be the one talking to her, not me!

"I..." she sighs again. "I've learned my lessons about dating people other than your soulmate."

That, I can understand. Well... Strictly speaking, I've never had a real relationship with someone. Ok fine!! Any relationship! But the point is, that I've heard stories about people who have, and let's just say: it's not a fairytale ending!

There's the usual: date for a while until you eventually meet your soulmate. Then there's the: pretend that everything's fine even though you never feel quite right about it. Next, there's the tragic: have an amazing relationship until one of you meets your soulmate and ditches the other in the blink of an eye, causing catastrophic heartbreak and depression. And finally the worst: marry someone other than your soulmate only to meet them later on in life, and leave your whole family behind to start another.

The point is that even though the chances of finding your soulmate are 45%, it's not a good idea to get serious with a person who's not your significant other.

"Did you get left by someone?" My voice comes out smaller than normal.

She lets out a scoff and then shakes her head disgustedly, self-hatred guarding her eyes. "No. I was the one who left."



What'd y'all think?
-Leia 💜

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