Rewritten Ending for Dramione Fans

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Taken from chapter "Goodbye". Juicy changes don't start happening until the end. I will indicate the new changes with an * then the following section will have been rewritten for your enjoyment.

Draco and Hermione stood on the front steps of the Malfoy Manor.

"You can disapparate now. It was only in the house where you couldn't," Draco said, "I have to get back to the Candy Shop anyway."

"I'll disapparate to the Candy Shop with you," Hermione said.

They both stood in awkward silence. Hermione swayed back and forth on her feet. Draco picked at his sleeve.

"Well... um..." Draco moved a little closer to her.

"Um... Yeah..." Hermione scooted closer also.

There was a moment of eye contact between them then they very awkwardly embraced. Draco patted her back stiffly and Hermione wrapped her arms around his back, not knowing what to do with her hands. They pulled apart quickly.

Draco ran his hand through his hair and exhaled quickly, "Well, that was awkward."

Hermione nodded quickly then grinned wickedly, "I can think of a more awkward hug, Draco."

Draco groaned, "Oh, please don't bring that up. That may have been the worst moment of my life."

"You're hug with Voldemort was definitely something," Hermione giggled.

Draco groaned and rubbed his temples, "Oh, please stop."

Hermione just laughed.

He, embarrassed, moaned, "Let's go."

"OK" She laughed.

*Poof Puff Magic Stuff*

They appeared in the Candy Shop.

Draco was behind the counter and Hermione apparated by the door. Draco pulled a white apron over his head. Hermione looked about the shop not knowing what else to say.

Draco picked up a large card board box off the ground and placed it on the counter. "Hermione, before you go, you wanted a Chocolate Frog," He pulled out a packaged Frog, "I promise this one isn't a Portkey."

Hermione smiled and walked over to him, "How did you know I would want a Chocolate Frog in the first place?"

"Well you came in and called out that you wanted a Chocolate Frog, from then it was just very quick magic and a lot of luck, but this one isn't a Portkey, I promise. It's brand new," Draco explained, holding out the candy for her.

She took it.

Draco shoved his hands into his pockets, "I don't know if you're busy tonight, but if you'd like we could get some Butter Beers together?"

Hermione sighed, "I wish I could but I've got something going on tonight- I'm probably late for it as it is."

She was going to the Burrow. Ron, Mrs. Weasley, and her were going to start the preparations for the wedding. As much as she wanted to plan it out with Ron, she couldn't help but want to stay with Draco. He was so lonely.

Draco nodded, "Alright, maybe another time then?"

"Of course! I really would love to tonight but, you see, Ron and I- we're planning tonight- and-"

Draco interrupted her, "Did Weasley ask you the big question?"

"Well, yes," Hermione answered, surprised he knew.

"I thought so, you had the ring and everything," Draco explained.

Hermione touched the ring on her hand gently which clutched the Chocolate Frog.

Draco smiled, "Good for you two. Weasley wouldn't survive without you- he needs you."

She knew he was teasing but she couldn't help but pick out a hint of bitterness in Draco's voice. And a nagging voice inside her head said, Draco needs you too.

Hermione stumbled, "Yes, Thank you- He does- Ron-he needs me, I mean."

Draco simply nodded.

She took a deep breath and reached out her hand, "Thank you Draco for having me. We'll do this again."

Draco shook her hand, "It's been an honor, Granger."

Hermione turned and walked towards the door. She spun on her heel at the last second, "Draco- I-I wanted to say- you're a friend. A friend now."

Draco looked down and whispered, "Thank you Hermione, It's more then I could ever wish for."


She nodded and walked quickly out of the shop. She took in some deep breaths of air. She didn't know what was going on in her head. She felt she needed to be with Draco. She was so confused. She sat on a bench, a block away from the shop, to collect her thoughts.

Draco's face kept appearing along with Ron's in her head. She moaned and ran a hand through her thick hair. Why were emotions so strange?

She looked down at the Chocolate Frog Draco had given her. She sighed and opened it. The Frog jumped out and hopped away. Hermione made no move to catch it.

She pulled out the card and turned it over.

There, with piercing eyes and thin lips, was her own reflection. 

She stared down at herself. 

In all her years being with her friends Ron and Harry, she had always put them first. She could see her loyalty worn on her hardened face. She had risked everything for her friends over and over, never truly indulging her own feelings, but burying them deep inside.

Was her proposal to Ron what she wanted? 

She held the card up to eye level. Her shifting figure in the magic picture gave no answers. She needed help, advice, counsel. A friend to confide in.

She was up before her brain could register where her heart was carrying her. 

Her feet made quick bounds down the street towards the sweet smelling shop. The little door rattled has she burst in.


The kind eyed Draco with a quizzical yet delighted expression answered, "Hermione?"

She stammered for words, "I-I was wondering- well um, I was, uh-"

"Are you OK?" Still smiling at her return, Draco came around the counter to her.

"No, I don't think so," She answered honestly.

He frowned and immediately began apologizing. "I'm so sorry for this afternoon. I should have never. You're angry and you have a right to be. I over stepped. Please, I'm so sorry-"

"Draco, no, no, no. You're fine."

"This isn't about me kidnapping you?" He asked slowly.

"No, that's forgiven and doesn't matter. I wanted to- well," She paused and choose her words carefully, "It seems like I've just met you, but I can already talk to you. I can share things with you. And I could really use a listening ear right now."

Draco nodded, "Of course."

Hermione smiled relieved, "Are you still up for Butter Beers?"

"Now?" Draco asked with an amused eyebrow raised.

"If you're not busy," Hermione grinned.

"My schedules always clear for a Granger."


And as they strolled out of the candy shop, the two past enemies, took each other's hands.

omgod. is this what you wanted? it's so cringy. i'm sorry.

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