Chapter 42: I know how to find him.

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A/N: Buckle up broski's it's gonna be a long ride!

warnings: mentions of needles

He felt even worse when he next came around. The pounding in his head had increased by atleast a third and his arm had a dull ache where he had been pricked with something, he couldn't move anything without it causing some type of pain.

Peter glanced down towards his arm that had been hurt and noticed a small hole there, it was slightly bigger than the size of a pin prick and look suspiciously like a needle wound. Panic began to bubble in his stomach at what could be in his system, from that needle alone he could be infected with posion, some lethal chemical that would slowly but surely kill him, the possiblites were practically endless. All of them ending with his unfortunate death.

He had already accepted the fact that he wasn't getting out of this situation alive, that conclusion passed awhile ago, but something about the idea of an injection made it seem a whole lot worse, atleast in normal surcumstances he would know his cause of death, a mistery seemed to make the whole situation alot worse.

Now that he realised it, he had always had an unlucky life. First of his parents had died, then his Uncle and Aunt, and now he was stuck in a dark room, possibly half-way through the process of dieing, with no-one who seemed to care about him. It was a sad realisation yet he tried his best to welcome it, this way his Da-Tony and the others wouldn't have to deal with him anymore, he would just slowly fade away, forgotten by all those who loved him.

A few tears slipped down his cheeks and he wished he could wipe them away, he shouldn't be crying, he should be grateful, grateful that Tony was finally going to be happy. But it still made his heart hurt. He wriggled his hands around, deciding that he may as well try and see if he still had any fight left in him. However his hands felt even weaker than before, when he first arrived he had noticed the change in his powers, particularly his strength, but he had never worried about it. Now that he properly tried, he could barely lift a finger let alone break the rope that bound his hands.

He cursed under his breath and leaned his head back against the chair, he started to think about what everyone he knew would be doing. Ned, and possibly MJ, would probably be frantic, they were all so kind and it brought a smile to his face when he realised how much they truly cared about him. Tony would be busy with a meeting, now that he was out the picture he could practically feel the man working himself too hard. Loki...he hoped Loki would be feeling some sort of sad feeling, the God never really showed emotion around anyone so it was hard to tell from time to time, maybe he even...missed him? No, no God Of Mishchief would miss an annoying 16 year-old.

The different scenarios played around his head for a little while longer, some making Peter smile, others...not so much. Eventually he grew tired and shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable, only to send a shooting pain up his right leg making him bite his lip to stop himself from letting out a cry. He carefully shifted again, managing to avoid any major injurys before leaning his head so it rested on his shoulder. It would definitley be sore the next time he awoke but he couldn't bring himself to care. All he wanted to do was to sleep, afterall, it was the only escape he had left.


"I know how to find him."

Tony's head shot up, staring at Loki who had just entered with wide eyes.

"What?" Loki walked forward and sat down on the sofa next to Thor. "I know how we can find Peter." he repeated.

"How?!" Tony felt hope spark up in his chest, they hadn't had much luck with anything ever since the phonecall but it seemed the God might know something.

~You Will Always Have Me~ Irondad and Spiderson Fanfic~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora