Chapter 37: Wake up boy!

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A/N: There's nothing really to say at this point is there? But....enjoy!

warnings: violence

The blood drained from Tony's face. His eyes wide as his hand shook.

Peter was gone.





"N-no.." he whispered hoarsley, the words kept playing over and over in his head. Gone. Missing. Lost.

"Tony, I know this is hard but we need to get people looking, the sooner we find him the better." Happy yelled, snapping Tony out of it.

"Y-yeah.." he choked out. Falling back heavily into his chair, his eyes watering with unleashed tears.

Happy hung up, saying something about calling agents but Tony just put his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking with every breath he took. The man let the tears fall, he had failed, he had failed as a father, he had failed at protect Peter, his son.

Heart-wretching sobs escaped him as he broke, he heard the door open and footsteps rushing towards him.

"Hey hey Tones?" Rhodeys calming voice called. Tony just shook his head, unable to form any words before latching onto his friend. He cried into his shoulder while gripping on tightly, the same way Peter did to him.

"Shh, shh, calm down I'm here. What's wrong?" the other man soothed, rubbing a hand up and down his back.

"P-pe...peter-r..g-gone.." Tony barely managed to stutter out before breaking down into sobs.

His son. His Peter. His baby boy. Was gone.

And it was all his fault.


A harsh slap across the face woke Peter up. He hissed at the tingling sensation it left on his cheek and opened his eyes, only for everything to be blurred. It took him a moment to remember what had happened, everything was so hazy and jumbled up.

"Wake up boy!" An unkown voice yelled, slapping him across the otherside of his face, making his head spin with dizziness. Peter managed to get his eyes focused and he survayed where he was.

He was sat in a hard wooden chair, hands and legs bound, in a large grimy room. It was eerily dark and he could just about make out a large figure looming over him.

The man grabbed his chin roughly and yanked his face up close, peering into his soul. "Rise and shine Spiderman." he whispered before shoving Peter back down.

"W-where am I?" he managed to choke out, his throat felt like sand paper. The man let out a dark, empty chuckle. "Now if I told you that, it would ruin the fun." He began to pace around Peter, who was trying not to let his fear show.

"So Spiderman, give me one reason why I should let you walk out here alive, hm?" He stopped in front of Peter and began to impatiently tap his heavy boot against the floor.

"Because I can't really walk out here if I'm dead?" The man growled under his breath and grabbed Peter's hair roughly, forcing a whimper out of the boy.

"I would shut my goddam mouth if I were you." But of course, Peter being Peter, he couldn't help but say:

"Good job you're not me then." The man made a fist and punched the boy in the gut, causing him to double over in pain.

"You're just like your father, a complete bastard. Boys, take over!" The man left as three more people entered, they headed over to where Peter was slumped over in pain.

Before Peter could process what was happening, mutliple fists and boots connected harshly with his body. He tried to fight back, it should have been easy with his strength, but it was impossible, it was like all of power was drained for some reason.

All he could do was pray for the it to be over soon.


By now everyone was aware of the situation. And they were all devistated, but not as much as Tony.

The man hadn't said a word since he first found out and had been typing on his computer for hours, researching everything he could about Peter's school, friends and the hotel he went to. The only moment he took for a break was to call the sheild agents or call Happy to see if they had found him. So far they hadn't had much luck.

Tony had been typing furiously for the past few hours when he had a lightbulb. He sat up ubruptly in the chair as his mind raced, going through everything he had remembered.

He then went back to the computer and started researching, reading and taking notes on everything to do with May's death.

"Friday hack into Peter's schools records."

It took her a few minutes but eventually Friday produced the documents as Tony skimmed through them, his heary racing as he waited for what he looking for.

Then he found it.

The name he had heard multiple times yet not paid any attention to.

Mr Wilson.

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