Chapter 39: You said y-you c-cared!

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A/N: If you listen to the song Afterlife (slowed down) while thinking about Peter and Tony you will cry. Feel free to listen to it while reading if you're emotionally stiff and can somehow handle it. Also sorry this is kinda sort, school work is limiting my time but it's almost the weekend so expect longer updates!!

otherwise grab some tissues for your mavel issues!

The darkness was slowly starting to confuse Peter, he kept seeing shadows, things that weren't there, but then they would just...disappear.

He could hear faint footsteps in the distance, coming closer and closer until he heard the classic sound of the door being opened, and someone stepping in.

"Hey kid, it's me look!"

The boy lifted his head slowly, sweat causing his hair to stick to his forehead. "D-dad..?" he croaked out, eyes widening with relief when he saw Tony stood their holidng out his arms.

Peter pulled restlessly, wanting to get to his Dad, the bounds restricting him from doing so. Tony was here, he had come, he was here to save him. Looking up at the man he sensed something was off, it still looked like him but his eyes, they were cold, unhuman and filled with some kind of hatred Peter had never seen before.

"You really think I would help you?" The man said, bursting out into hysterical laughter, "Y-you thought I..cared about you?" he choked out through his endless chuckle.

Peter gaped in horror, tears slowly beginning to well in his eyes as he watched the man who had always been a father to him laugh, laugh at him because he believed he cared.

"Seriously you think I wanted to adopt you? No no, if I actually had a choice I would have said no! Why would I want a horrible, irritating, annoying little brat like you in my life?"

The tears cascaded down the boys cheek as he shook his head in denial.

"I only did it because of pitty, I couldn't just let you go to a foster home, god knows May would have been turning her grave, I just wanted it for buisness. Promotion in the industry, if I had a kid people would stop and stare, it's not like you actually mattered. I never cared for you. Ever."

"N-no, n-no you said y-you c-cared. W-why?" Peter cried, heart-broken sobs echoing throughout the room.

Tony chuckled again, "I never cared. It was lie. It was all a lie just so I could profit from you."

"I t-trusted you!" Peter screamed, anger taking over the sadness. " m-made me f-feel like I b-belonged!"

"You don't belong anywhere!" Tony yelled back, before backhanding the boy across the cheek.

Peter's face snapped to the side and he felt it crack, he turned to start screaming at the man again but he was gone.

The room was how it had been, dark and empty, but Tony was nowhere in sight. He shivered slightly as a cold stray tear ran down his cheek and under the, now grimy, shirt he was wearing.

It was almost like the whole thing just...never happened.

He heard faint footsteps again, he almost expected Tony to walk through but was only midly surprised when he saw the same man that had visited him numerous times.

"Enjoy you're little family gathering?" he chuckled before grabbing the boys chin and roughly pulling him forward, almost enough for him to topple over in the chair.

"My my I seem to be breaking you more than anticipated..." he trailed off before letting go of Peter, watching as the dazed boy slumped in his chair, his legs lying limply on the floor.

He strolled away but paused when he reached the door.

"Boys, you know what to do."

~You Will Always Have Me~ Irondad and Spiderson Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now