Chapter 29: You want to a-adopt me?

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A/N: I love this chapter so enjoy! -EmeraldLokiMalfoy

Peter woke up feeling estatic. He couldn't help but feel excited, he was 16! Part of him wondered if Tony had remembered, he had mentioned it once or twice but he knew people could easily forget things like birthdays, especially when they were busy people like Tony. But, either way he was going to make the most of his birthday, starting with breakfast.

He got up and took a moment to think about May. Today would not be the same, it never would be the same again without his Aunt, but he had to keep going, if not for himself then for May. Peter picked up the picture frame he had of them both and held it close to his chest, he smiled knowing that she was would be wishing him a happy birthday from heaven.

Putting down the picture he got up and went to the kitchen, hoping to grab something quick to eat before finding Tony or the others. When he walked in he noticed it was strangely dark, and his spider senes were going off slightly, not in danger but to alert him he wasn't alone. Peter flicked on the light switch and almost had a heart attack when a chorus of people yelled, "Surprise!"

Peter looked over to see the whole team stood there, holding balloons and big 'Happy Birthday!' signs with a huge birthday cake. He smiled so wide he thought his face my split when he saw everyone stood there, he couldn't believe that everyone had remembered let alone wanted to celebrate.

"Happy 16th Birthday Pete!" Tony said. Peter threw himself at the man, tackling him into a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" he said, over and over again.

When he pulled back he noticed confetti floating about in the air which wasn't there before, he turned to see Loki moving his hands in different directions while smiling to himself. "Loki you're back!" Peter yelled, running over to embrace the man.

"Why of course, I wouldn't miss your birthday." the man smiled, returning the hug. "How about a birthday breakfast for the birthday boy?" Bucky suggested, "I made a special meal." At that Peter nodded enthusiastically and followed them all to the dining table.

When they got there he let out a small gasp at the display. The table had huge plates stacked with all kinds of fruits, there were croissants (A/N: quakson ;)) and pancakes pilled up in the middle, granola with yogurt and berries, orange juice and coffee, bacon and sausages along with toast and butter. "This is...this is amazing!" he stuttered out, speechless.

"Seriously you guys are the best." he said, running over to give them all a big group hug, trying to hide the tears welling in his eyes. "Alright, let's eat!" Tony announced.


By the time they had all finished eating Peter was stuffed, he had eaten almost one of everything there was to offer and, even with his fast metabilism, he felt he couldn't manage even another pancake.

They had talked about alot of things when they were eating, missions, funny stories about Tony (much to the mans displeasure) and also Spiderman. Peter hadn't realised how much they wanted to know, he really felt at home now that there were no secrets, or at least, none that he knew about.

After he had gotten dressed, he went down to the living room only to find a huge pile of presents waiting for him. "Ready to open some presents?" Clint said. Peter nodded and sat down inbetween Loki and Tony. The God passed him a rectangular box wrapped in emerald paper.

He unwrapped it slowly and gasped when he saw what it was, a shiny hand dagger with red and blue gems incrusted on the handle. "Oh my god.." he whispered, picking it up to hold it. "This is amazing! Omg thank you Loki!" he carefully placed it down before giving the man a hug. "You better be careful with that." Tony muttered.

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