Chapter 32: I'm gonna miss you.

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A/N: Sorry if this is uploaded later like I said I'm back at school so I only have the evening to write but thank you for the support!! I love you guys :) -EmeraldLokiMalfoy

"Okay can I have your signed slips of paper for the science fair please?" Mr Wilson announced at the end of the science club. Peter pulled out his paper and saw the signature on it, it wasn't Tonys but a fake one for his 'distant relative' that was looking after him.

He handed the slip in and Mr Wilson smiled. "Glad to see you're coming Peter." The boy nodded and smiled before walking back over to his desk.

"Well now that all your forms are sighed, I expect to see you all bright and early Monday morning for our trip. A quick reminder, we will be leaving at 8:00am and coming home Wednesday at 10:00pm." Everyone nodded and made their way out the class, Peter and Ned among them.

***2 days later***

Peter had spent the whole night packing for the science fair, he was so excited to go but also slightly nervous. It would be his first time staying away from Tony for more than a day and he wasn't sure how he would deal with that.

He finished folding his clothes and loaded them into his bag before zipping it shut, letting out a deep breath. "Boss is requesting your presence in the living room Peter." Friday announced. "By requesting you mean demanding?" Peter chuckled.

"You know Mr Stark." That made the boy laugh more and stood up to find out what the man wanted.

"Dad, Friday said you 'requested my presence in the living room'" he said, flopping down next to Tony while smirking slightly. "Yeah well maybe I wanted to spend some time with my kid before he leaves me for 3 days." Peter rolled his eyes and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, its not like I'm gonna miss you or anything."

"No of course not." Tony said, smiling fondly at the boy. "But I'll miss you."

"Maybe I'll miss you too." he murmed, snuggling more into his side.

"In all seriousness though I need to talk about a few rules and safety procautions I have put in place." Tony started, turning to face Peter fully.

"Things seem to have calmed down recently but I still want to make sure you're okay, so I made a few rules."

Peter nodded and listened carefully, he hated to admit it but Tony wasn't the only one scared about this trip.

"Rule 1, you have to give me regular updates everyday, call, text whatever I just want to know what you're doing. Second, Happy will be going with you but staying in a different room, the school will not be informed he is there but should anything happen he will be."

"Third, I am allowing you to take your Spiderman suit, but, only for emergencys where there are no other options, whether it be for yourself or others i don't mind." Peter smiled and nodded his head in understanding.

"Lastly, I have placed a tracker in your phone so I can track your whereabouts, I don't want to invade your privacy but should anything happen I wanna know okay?" Tony finished.

Peter nodded again and leaned in when Tony gave him a hug. "Be careful please." the man murmed, kissing the crown of his head gently. "I'll try." he replied. Tony chuckled and pulled away.

"I'm gonna miss you." Peter said, "Alot." Tony smiled and shifted so the boy was snuggled into his side. "I'll miss you too."

"How about one more movie?" he suggested, already getting up to pick a movie. "Why don't you call the team down?"

"I kinda wanted to spend time with just know?" he said nervously. Tony smiled, "Yeah we can do that, father and son quality time." Peter smiled and leaped onto the sofa, grabbing a blanket to cocoon himself in before pressing play on the remote.

It was his last night before leaving and it couldn't be more perfect.

A/N: Arggghhh sorry this is so sort school really likes to take up half the day so I don't have as much time to write :(

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