When she got onto the bus, she froze when she saw Reagan, Zuri and Sasha in the centre of the bus. More people shuffled onto the bus and she stepped out of the way, only to come across Boden and Tyson. The doors shut, and she quickly took the seat next to Reagan.

'What are you guys doing here?' Octavia looked around at them smiling. 'Don't you all drive?'

'We wanted to be with you on your last day,' Zuri said.

'That's so sweet, thank you.' Octavia turned to Boden. 'What about you? Don't you live far from here?'

'I slept over at Tyson's.' Boden shrugged.

'Why are you even coming to school, anyway?' Reagan leaned against the window and put a leg up to his chest. 'You don't even have a bag.'

'I have this.' She raised the book, and on instinct, Boden gripped his bag. 'I'm dropping it off then Dustin and Nikolai are picking me up. Speaking of which, you're all invited this afternoon to my house for a farewell thingy that Eirene is hosting.'

'Farewell?' Sasha tilted her head. 'You guys just had a funeral last week. Isn't it a bit err... soon to have everyone over?'

'Well, our family members left last night. I don't think anyone wants to be alone just yet, then we'll realise how even though we got Nikolai, we lost Nonna.'

'I'm sorry, babe, how you doing?' Zuri pushed Octavia's hair out of her face. 'It must be so much for you all.'

'Yeah, it is.' Octavia looked down in her lap. 'Nonno still wears suits and fedoras. Now he just visits her at the cemetery.'

Everyone exchanged sideways glances. Tyson nudged his head at Zuri, and she brought Octavia into an awkward side hug over the seat. The bus stopped and someone else got on. The boy too seemed taken back from the number of people on the bus. He took the first seat on the bus and popped in his earphones.

Vega Front High filled with students on its first day. Parents dropped off children and were shooed away from their kids out of embarrassment before they met up with their friends. When the bus stopped, heads turned at the first few seniors who walked out instead of arriving in their luxurious cars. There were a few minutes until the first bell rang. All the seniors had to meet in the gym to collect their timetables and be assigned to a homeroom.

Octavia would not do that. Instead, she walked to the administration office and returned her lock. Keren waited for a snarky response but was surprised to receive a smile from the girl when she said goodbye. Part of her was ready for a year of Octavia coming to her often.

Boden waited in the hallway for Octavia, then walked with her to Mr Redrum's classroom. He was always in there before his lesson to prepare. Octavia knocked on the door before they entered and pouted at the whiteboard. Mr Redrum wrote his classes and what they'd be doing for the day. Their Psychology class was supposed to start with a greeting, warm up, then they'd dive straight into the book.

'Morning, Mr Redrum.' Octavia raised the book and set it on his desk. 'Just here to return the book.'

'Ah, Miss Mora so sad to hear about your departure.' Mr Redrum set down the marker and clasped his hands behind his back. 'I would've loved to hear your thoughts about the book. Your question last year sparked some discussion.'

'I would've loved to be part of more discussions.'

'Even without the book, I hope you ask questions and keep that mind busy of yours. It's a brilliant thing, and your voice speaks volume. You captivate the entire class. I'm hoping some of that rubbed off on Mr Springer, here?'

'I'll check up on him once in a while.' Octavia nudged Boden's shoulder. He looked at Mr Redrum and nodded.

'Well, Miss Mora, I wish you well wherever you go and in whatever you do. I see great potential in you and your leadership. Keep searching for those answers and seeking the truth. You'll never know what you might find.'

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