002 | beautiful kalopsia

Start from the beginning

May gasped at the brutal insult as a cross-popping vein appeared on her forehead, missing the joking tone of the brown-haired man while Drew just face-palmed. Ash watched in amusement. Now this was getting interesting. Usually girls would die to even get their attention [considering their looks and business success] and here was, a simple waitress that straight up called Gary a pervert. 

"What the hell did you say, you bastard?" she snarled out. Her voice came out in a scream due to the overwhelming anger. May was always warned by Serena to keep her anger in check but the latter felt her blood boiling at the moment. She won't tolerate someone body shaming her at all.

The people around swiftly turned their attention towards the uprising commotion as they began whispering amongst themselves. Ash was glad that they were wearing their hats and sunglasses so that those people couldn't identify them later on. He heaved a sigh in relief. 

Gary's eyes widened at the venomously spoken statement as his chuckles came into abrupt stop. The others were left speechless at her straightforward and not to mention, the piercing tone that send shivers down Gary's spine. May was aware that she was risking her job by letting her sharp tongue take control but wasn't her fault! It was his.

May harrumphed at his stunned look as she turned on her heels. "Tch, I will send a better  waitress to help you" 

And with that parting shot, she disappeared amidst the crowd as a shocked silence hung over the three friends. Gary growled angrily in a low tone, displeased by her rudeness over a joke as Drew and Ash could merely let out a sigh. 


Serena's vibrant blue eyes darted back and forth between the sugary treats that she had carefully prepared in the last hour. Cupcakes with various flavored frosting and toppings, macaroons dipped in delicious chocolate and pies with apple fillings. She proudly looked at her creation before turning around when she heard stomping footsteps approaching her. 

"May? What are you doing here? You are supposed to be doing your shift right now" the honey blonde looked at her friend in worry, very well noticing her fuming rage radiating through her demeanor. Why was she so pissed? Serena only hoped that May didn't do anything wrong as she recalled the times when May's hot-headed nature had landed them in trouble. 

"He was checking me out, that damned self-centred bastard! And to add to that, he even indirectly called me breastless in a way. So I kicked his perverted ass back in place" May slammed her hands on the table as she plopped on one of the chair. Serena sighed at the woman who was throwing a temper tantrum like a kid. She might even consider putting her on a child leash. 

"May, you should know that it is common to find people like that. You should have told me first and then we would have told Arianna about it. Now, look - we might even get fired because of this!" Serena scolded the sulking woman. The honey blonde knew that people wouldn't take it nicely; she knew how sassy May could be when angered. She only wished that May hadn't said something bad. 

"You didn't say anything bad, did you?" Serena asked as May became stiff and still. A small silence followed before May groaned. 

"I might have been a bit harsh towards him. He deserved it though! But I think I gave quite a bad impression on his friends who were actually nice towards me. I am sorry" the brunette admitted before apologizing in an embarrassed tone. Serena sighed again. 

"You should probably apologize to them" 

"No way I am going back to them!" May exclaimed, as she rapidly shook her head in denial with a blush covering her almost invisible freckled cheeks. "They might turn me down in front of everybody and I don't want to get embarrassed again. So please, won't my dearest bestie apologize on my behalf this time?" 

"Its your own fault. Why should I apologize for you? Unless - " she paused as a small grin took over her face, making May raise a questioning brow. "Unless you give me your spaghetti for dinner. If you do, then I will apologize on your behalf" 

The brunette gasped at the blonde's declaration. How could she give up her precious spaghetti? Food was her bae! But currently, she had messed and going back to the pervert to apologize was an absolute no-no for her. She released a breath in a painful manner before forcing out the sentence that almost made her cry. 

"Fine. You can eat my spaghetti" 


Ash was about to leave when a female melodious but still bashful voice stopped him in his tracks. Even from under his sunglasses, he could make out her milky white skin and breath-stealing blue eyes that resembled the sparkling ocean surface. Her honey blonde locks were braided neatly and kept over her left shoulder. 

She was wearing a waitress uniform but had an apron clad on it. She smiled and subconsciously Ash found himself breathless for a spilt-second. Gary and Drew also turned their attention on the newest arrival. 

"Good afternoon, messieurs. Sorry for interuppting you. My name is Serena and that hot-headed waitress is actually my friend. I wanted to apologize on her behalf of her ridiculous behavior. Please forgive her" she bowed a bit in politeness and courtesy. 

Gary's lips turned into another scowl as he glared at Serena. "Is that so? Well, her words were venomous enough and considering the fact that she pretty much accused me of something so unreasonable is not at all okay" 

Serena felt a vein pop as she struggled to keep her composure calm. She was internally irked at the man talking about her friend like that when he was the one at fault but still she stopped herself from making a snarky remark about it. Instead, she kindly tried to cease his negative opinion about May. 

Ash and Drew quietly sat as they watched the drama unfold. They would have stopped Gary but he looked quite pissed off and neither of them wanted to get involved. Besides, they knew that Gary didn't mean a word he said as he was only teasing around and the insulting words thrown at a respected person like him didn't do justice to his ego. 

"I agree that she is a stubborn and ill-tempered but she is not a bad person" 

"Not a bad person?" Gary spat while standing up. "She just accused me ─ Gary Oak ─ of being a pervert in a public place. And even so, she insulted me this bad, the least she could do was to come and apologize but look - she sent her friend to apologize one her behalf. Such a petty woman playing a petty move!"

"ENOUGH - I have enough of you talking bullshıt about my friend!" Serena snapped as she lost her patience. She wasn't going to take anyone badmouthing May so lightly. Who does he think he is? Just because he has more money than they have, doesn't mean that he can boss them around like dust. 

The people in the entire café silenced them at the sudden outburst. Even Gary was temporarily frozen in mild surprise. Drew's eyes widened as he stood up. Ash arched a brow at the rising tone of the female in amusement. 

"You are the one who was checking her out like a pervert and you call her a petty woman. Please, she was just upset that she had actually said more than what was needed but heck, people like you actually think that you can boss us around like filth, huh -" 

"Stop it" Ash monotone interuppted Serena who paused as she looked at him in confusion. His hidden auburn eyes narrowed. "It was a misunderstanding, for Gary wasn't checking her out. He was also previously joking around with your friend and by all means, she failed to notice that. In short, Gary here is not particularly at fault here but instead that woman who just brushed him off before he can apologize" 

Serena stood in stunned silence as her breath hitched in her throat when the speaking man removed his sunglasses and hat, making his messy raven hair fall over his gorgeous auburn orbs that reflected the various shades of brown. It took just a moment for Serena to admire his sculpted face entirely since he walked out of the café with Drew following behind him and Gary passing her a dirty look before stalking out as well. 

People broke into murmurs again after the well-known businessmen had left. Serena stood still as if frozen to the ground, finally realizing how big of a mistake she had made by further extending the argument. She could imagine the consequences of her actions that were certainly nowhere near good. 

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