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She stepped out from her room and was now standing in the giant corridor in the left wing of the ginormous Cathedral. Himari’s brain was activated. She realized the task at hand.

I’m escaping this place. I’m escaping this place. I’m escaping this place.

But to escape the place, Himari needed a plan to do that. She would have to rely on a stranger she just met in a jail. She had no idea too, for what will happen after they finally got out. Though that was important to learn, she shook her head and remembered what she supposed to do now.

It was five in the morning. She walked through corridors and more corridors and arrived at the kitchen in the first floor. The ceiling at the back of the church was not as high, because the Dutch intended on making the back of it as a communal area for European guests.

She finally cooked the dinner. She prepared dozens of scrambled eggs and cooked the rice, and she worked hard to only prepare for the morning tea. Fifty-two glasses of teas for the Japanese and twelve cups of coffees for the ambassadors from Germany.

She waited for the rice to cook, so she delivered the beverages at first. She reappeared at the second floor and entered two rooms with the tray full of drinks. First, the first Japanese dormitory full of ten people. They were still dressing and packing for their assignments. Second, she explored the hallway and walked into the second dormitory. There were also ten figures, hauling their rifles and knives. They joked around, dumbing over each other, knocking some cups down until they bashed the floor and Himari needed to clean them, giving her more work.

She finished cleaning and returned to the kitchen to deliver more drinks to the west wing of the colonial building. She passed three entrances to the dungeons. She knocked the door next to the last dungeon and someone told her to come in. Yamako was standing with four Germans and he talked swiftly in German. They looked serious, and Himari was wise when she hurriedly served the tea and coffees for them and leave without further ado. 

Himari closed the door and proceeded. She turned toward the central part of the church and entered the main building. There was an altar full with the chairs, the giant piano, the levitating praying sections, and some other doors to some other parts of the building she didn’t know the use of. The central praying area was massive. Decorations were here and there. The ceilings were like in Italy. The walls were unreachable, colorful windows planted in each side with the figures of the bible on them. As usual, Himari admired the architecture of the church, wondering how they built it.

There were all eight of the Germans. Two of them were praying and the others smoking. She served the coffees quietly. One of the Germans, tall and blonde, grabbed her wrist and talked in English.

“Don’t go anywhere, darling.” His accent was thick. “Come here and enjoy the architecture. These Dutch sure know how to make a church.”

“I’m sorry, I have to go.”

The German seemed surprised. “You talk English? I did not expect that. You’re educated for a maid.”

Himari tried to shake free from the strong and irritating grip of the German.

But he kept flirting until his friend reminded him that he was inside God’s house, so she was let go and continued her march back to the kitchen. She felt disgusted by the touch of that male beast.

The rice had been cooked, but the teas weren’t all distributed. She ushered them to fifteen soldiers practicing their rifles on the cathedral’s courtyard.

Then, she prepared the meals. All of those eggs and greeneries were majorly for the soldiers. The serving of the breakfasts went pretty well. No one halted her, not even that blonde German at the praying section, and she sighed after all of it was over.

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