Chapter 8: The Movies

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Marlene pulled me to the movies after dinner. She told me that we were going to see some horror movie called 'Oculus'. She told me it would just be us two, Shauna, and Lynn, but what she had planned was anything but that.
She picked me up with Shauna and Lynn in the back. "Come on, Tris! Let's go!"she started driving once I got in the car. Not knowing my way around town so I didn't know that she wasn't taking me to the movies at all. She made a left turn then a right and then we ended up at someone's house.
"Marlene, where are we?" I asked her.
"Uriah's house. He invited us over for some Dauntless party." Great. I'm now going to a party. And I thought the movies were going to be bad. "By the way the vice principal, who's in charge of the aptitude wanted me to tell you that you are officially Dauntless now."
"Cool. So is there some sort of initiation ritual? Do I have to speak some random Latin words or something?" Shauna laughs and so does Lynn.
"No, idiot. You're just entitled to play 'Candor or Dauntless' with us." says Lynn, obviously annoyed. She seems annoyed by everything. I kinda like her. We walk towards the house and the music blasts, seemingly coming from all directions. It's even louder once you get inside. Wait. What's 'Candor or Dauntless'? I see Uriah, so I decide to go ask him.
Uriah and Zeke were having a Dauntless party. As Zeke's best friend, I'm obligated to go. I just hope Lauren isn't coming. She's been bugging me to go out with her, but honestly she bugs the crap out of me. She's so fake. Like a Barbie. Maybe Tris'll be there. Wait, what did I just think? What's wrong with me? Every time I'm around her, I change. I'm not the distant, timid Four, I'm courageous ad outgoing. Like what was I talking about, 'you can't keep me away from you'? I must have sounded like a creeper. Ruined that opportunity. Great job, Tobias, great job.
Once the party starts, the music is blasting, people start filling in, and then I see a short blonde come through the door, wearing all black. Tris.
"Dude, go get em'!" Uriah says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"What am I supposed to say? I acted like a creeper earlier."
"Well now, you gotta make it up." I think about this and decide that I could give it a try. "Yo, Four! She's coming over her!" Uriah whisper-shouted at me.
"What?!" I look up and see a short, blue-grey eyed, blonde girl walking up to me and Uriah.
"Hey Uriah."
"Hey Tris. What's up?"
I walk up to Uriah, when I see Four. Fantastic. Queue the sarcasm.
"Hey, Uriah." I say.
"Hey Tris. What's up?"
"Lynn said we were going to play Candor or Dauntless. Just wondering what that was."
"So you're officially Dauntless? That's great!" He almost yells. "Candor or Dauntless is Truth or Dare."
"Oh. Makes sense." I look over in my peripheral vision and see Four staring at me. "Oh hey, Four."
"'Sup Tris." He still looks like a creeper sometimes.

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