Chapter 3: New Home

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Tris POV

Aunt Jenine's house was gigantic! It had like six bathrooms and at least six bedrooms. Me and Caleb had our own rooms already fit to our personalities, at least what my parents told Aunt Jenine. Aparantly she was waiting for the day when we would come and visit her. She had a room for my parents, too, but I wasn't ready to see that yet. Caleb was too curious though, he'd already looked at almost every room in the mansion of a house.

"Nine bedrooms and six and a half bathrooms."

"Wow you counted."

"You should see their room." I shook my head no. I was not ready. Aunt Jenine had bought us new clothes because we could only take so much from our home. She actually hit the mark pretty well. She got me lots of bland stuff: blank shirts, pants, and sweatshirts, with very bland colors. She got me one dress for "special occasions" but other than that I didn't have to pretend to be a fru-fru doll. I still didn't know where she got all this money from a principal job. She must have a loaded husband.

I walked to "my room" and I really looked at the room. It was modest. shades of white, black, and grey. There was a big bed right by the window and a lamp right next to it. The closet, while big, wasn't filled with just clothes, it had a giant bookcase. Wow. I now like Jenine just a little more. Goodbye library card, hello closet. I was glad I didn't have to share a bathroom with anyone. Actually I had a whole hallway to myself. Caleb was downstairs and Jenine and her husband were in the third floor.

Just then I was ripped from my gawking by Aunt Jenine calling me.

"Beatrice! Caleb! If you would like dinner it's ready. Max would like to meet you guys, too." She didn't say it like a prissy like I thought she would, she said kindly, like she really wanted me and Caleb to feel comfortable.

"Me and Beatrice will be right there!" Caleb yelled so I didn't have to, then he appeared upstairs. "Beatrice you better get down here and be hospitible."

"I was planning on it and you, by the way, you have no control on my conduct." I walked by him and downstairs. "Thanks for making us dinner, Aunt Jenine." I said as soon as I got to the dining room. It's about time I start getting on her good side.

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