Chapter 1: Loss

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Tris POV

You could very well call today the worst day of my life. I've never cried as hard as I did today. My parents are gone. Both of them just... Poof! One idiot drunk later they're gone, leaving me alone with my geek brother. I love Caleb, but he never shows any emotion. I haven't seen him cry once today. Not after we got a phone call from the police, or that a social worker came to tell us we'll be moving to frickin' Chicago, not when we went to say goodbye to our parents, or when we went to say goodbye to his girlfriend Susan. He's hopeless.The airport is crowded, and everyone makes me angry. For some reason the idiots at the social worker place decided we should leave the city ASAP. I had to say goodbye to my parents today and my best friends Christina and Will. At least I'll get to finally meet the infamous Aunt Jenine. Is that seriously my silver lining? And to think this morning me and Chis were making chocolate chip waffles for when my parents got home from their work trip.


Me and Chris were making waffles for my parents so they could have a feeling of home when they got here. My parents had been gone two whole weeks, and I was excited for them to get back. It was 10 o'clock and they should have been there any minute. That's when I got the phone call. "Hello?" "Miss Prior?" "Yes?" "I'm so sorry to have to break this to you but your parents have died in an unfortunate accident. We would like you to come down to the station as soon as you can make it, and again, I'm very sorry for your loss." this can't be happening. It's not real. I'm dreaming. This is some sort of sick joke, right? It has to be! Please. Please don't be...dead.


The airplane was cold and I left my sweatshirt in my other bag. Great, could this day get any better? The world must truly hate me, because as I found my seat, I also found a mother with a crying child. Kill me now! This was going to be along flight.

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