Suddenly his cellphone rang and Sheikh Muhammad Ali stared at his phone. It was Saint's mother.

"Hello Aunty?"
"Ali! Where's my son? Is my son with you?" Mrs Suppapong's frantic voice could be heard.
"Aunty... Saint? He's not with me." Sheikh Muhammad Ali answered.
"There were men... Men... I don't know who they are... Came into the house! They used my phone to call Saint! They forced me to say those things... Where's Saint??!!" Mrs Suppapong's was getting hysterical.
"I don't understand Aunty... Please... Calm down... What men?" Sheikh Muhammad Ali stood up from his crouching position.
"I was in the kitchen... Those men were suddenly in the house. They had guns! Oh my God..."
"Aunty... Are you okay?"
"They told me to call Saint... Oh my God... Where's my son Ali?" Mrs Suppapong cried.
"Aunty... Stay calm. I will find Saint for you. Please call Uncle okay?"
"Find Saint for me... Please..." She begged.
"I will Aunty. Call Uncle after this okay? My men and I will find Saint for you." Sheikh Muhammad Ali said before stopping the call.
"What the hell is happening?!" The Sheikh shook his head in confusion.
'Your Excellency... Please wait for Danial." His guards held his arm stopping Sheikh Muhammad Ali from moving towards the door.
"Take your hand off me."
"Your Excellency... Just let me call Danial first? Just to make sure... Your safety is our responsibility. You know the repercussions if we fail." The guard reminded him. Sheikh Muhammad Ali knew they were doing their duty. He and Prince Zee were not people like Saint and Tul.
"Hurry up! Call the damn man!" The Sheikh hissed.

    Sheikh Muhammad Ali's mind started thinking. Was the shootout part of what had happened to Mrs Suppapong? Was it an elaborate plan? Why Saint? Saint was not rich nor famous. He thought. Why Saint? How was Saint connected? Then it clicked. The Sheikh gasped.

"Pruk Panich." The Sheikh growled.


"Call the ambulance!" Max yelled at a few of the Royal Secret Service officers.
"We need reinforcements. Call more of our officers and get the local police." Max instructed.
"Contain the place... Do not let anyone leave until we know for sure they are not connected to the rebel group."
"Has the King been informed about Prince Zee and Saint's abduction?" He questioned and one of his men nodded.
"Now... Contain the area... Give treatment to the wounded. Check if the dead is really dead! Take away all firearms from the rebels. Even if they are already dead."Max said before stomping into the restaurant.

    When he entered the restaurant, there were people huddling on the floor. Some were injured and some were too frightened to move. His officers began checking on the people and administering first aid to those who needed.

"Get me the CCTV footage of the surrounding areas." Max asked one of the officers and the woman immediately left him.
"Attention all... I am Max and I am with the Thailand Royal Secret Service and these men are officers from the palace. If you are injured or if you need any assistance, my people will help you. We just cannot allow you to leave just yet. I am sorry for any inconvenience but it is for everyone's safety." Max explained while showing the people his badge.
"Where is Mr Pakorn? Has anyone seen Mr Pakorn?" Max questioned one of the waiters behind the counter.
"I don't know Sir." The man looked dazed.
"Find me Mr Pakorn." Max instructed one of the officers with him.
"Sir, 5 ambulances have arrived."
"Get them treat the ones with serious injuries." Max stated. His officers nodded and left.

    Max checked the people in the restaurant. Some were hit by bullets but none were life-threatening to his relief. There were about 4 people outside the restaurant that he knew were shot and he was unsure whether they were innocent bystander part of the rebel group. Those scums had Prince Zee and Saint. Max knew what they wanted. Since they got one of their leaders in custody, they had been relentless in getting him free. Max knew they wanted their leader back.

HIS ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS (COMPLETE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن