Eternally Bound

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    Here I stood at the alter in a Spanish church, I couldn't pronounce the name if I tried. This ceremony certainly wasn't under the circumstances I thought it would be, but it was still going to be the best day of my entire life. The church was empty except for our pastor. I wished that my best man was here to help or my human friend, but I was alone. Well not alone, I had her. I had the only thing that I needed. The only thing worth living for. I had Jane.

   This moment seemed like it needed music, it was too quiet, but there was no one here to play. I anxiously shifted on my feet. I didn't know why I was moving. Vampires were the most talented creatures when it came to standing still, maybe I was just too nervous. I fixed my cheap suit and brushed through my very knotted blonde hair. I probably looked like a mess.

    I heard faint footsteps coming toward me and I held my breath. My eyes locked on the large wooden doors where my beloved Jane would soon enter through.

   I was surprised that she agreed to marry me so soon after that whole battle incident. We had only been in Columbia for a few months. Me and Jane had purchased a small apartment downtown, and had been staying there for a while. It was nice to finally have a place of our own. One day I brought up our engagement, and to my surprise Jane proposed the idea of getting married today. Of course I agreed with no hesitation. I couldn't wait to be married to her. To call her my wife would be like a dream come true.

    The footsteps were getting closer. I could have sworn my un-beating heart fluttered at the sight of my fiancee dressed in white, as she appeared in the large doorway. Her long layered dress trailed behind her as she walked up the long isle. Her milk chocolate hair was falling down her shoulders in light messy curls. She had a large smile on her face, and her eyes were locked on mine. A thin layer of of venom glazed over my eyes. I was so excited and happy that I couldn't seem to hold back my venom tears of joy.

    Jane met me at the alter, her own tears were hiding in the corner of her eyes. She had a huge smile on her face unlike any I had ever seen her wear. I slowly grabbed her hands in mine, and caressed the back of them with my thumbs. I stared into her ruby eyes. I remembered when that color used to frighten me. They were the eyes of my captor. My torturer. I couldn't be more dead wrong if I tried. How could I have been so foolish and ignored my obvious feelings I had for her?

    Those sparkling red eyes were they eyes of my best friend. The eyes of my first love. My only love. My mate. My fiancee, and my soon to be wife. The eyes of my soulmate. How could I have ignored those eyes for so long?

"Dear thee beloved, we are gathered here today to join..." The pastor began. Thank god we had found one that spoke English, because for the life of me I couldn't learn Spanish. It didn't really seem to matter at the moment though, because I wasn't focusing on what he was saying I was to busy staring at my mate. My hands were shaking slightly from my nerves, which was slightly embarrassing but Jane didn't seem to mind.

    The smile she wore on her face was still mind boggling. I had never seen this amount of joy sketched on her face. She looked like she just won the lottery. If that look didn't give you butterflies than I don't know what would. Although normally I would try and hide my dorky grin, I let it fall into place. I didn't care how stupid I looked, this was the happiest moment of my life and I was going to smile.

"I Jane Harris, take you Kian Byers to be my husband. To love, to honor and to cherish. In sickness and in health. To have and to hold. Until death do us part." Jane whispered, staring deeply into my eyes. Her eyes twinkled with pure joy and love. The pastor than asked me to repeat the same phrase.

"I Kian Byers, take you Jane Harris to be my wife. To love, to honor and to cherish. In sickness and in health. To have and to hold. Until death fo us part." I said. My voice sounded hoarse from the tears I was trying to push back. I stared at Jane's lovely face, the words I just spoke sinking in. To death do us part. We were immortal. That could mean an eternity. Why did that still feel like not enough. Forever really never was enough, was it?

"I do." Jane said, and my mind snapped back to the ceremony.

"Kian Byers, do you take Jane Harris to be your lawfully wedded wife?" They pastor asked. The name Harris was actually Alec's middle name, Jane couldn't remember what her surname was. That memory was lost during her transformation. I snapped out of my own thoughts and cleared my throat. Leave it to me to not pay attention at my own damn wedding. Jane chuckled and rolled her eyes slightly, she had caught my moment of idiocy.

"I do." I managed to say after slightly too long of a pause.

"By the power vested in me by God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss." The pastor said. He didn't have to tell me twice.

   I gently put a hand on her jaw and brought her face close to mine. I kissed her gently. The world stopped, and the warm feeling I got whenever I kissed Jane made an appearance. I kissed her more passionately unable to control myself. Jane had to pull away, before I started to do unholy things in this church.

   She looked me in the eyes, and took my hand in hers. I smiled at her as we began to walk down the isle together. It was strange how there was no one else to celebrate with. Every wedding I had ever attended had guests, but it was just me and Jane. We walked out if the church and got into a cab.

"So Jane Byers, where to now?" I questioned. She smiled at me.

"Home would be nice, my love." She answered.

"Home it is." The cab went silent for a long while. Jane rested her head on my shoulder and I pulled her closer to me.

"I just want to tell you that I love you Kian." Jane whispered. My dorky smile returned to my face.

"I love you too, Jane."

"You'll love me forever?" She whispered.

"Forever, and whatever is beyond that." I said in a low voice. She kissed my cheek gently, and I couldn't stop the butterflies in my stomach.

"Well what about me?" I questioned with a chuckle.

"What about you?" Jane laughed.

"Will you love me forever?"

"Forever and ever." Jane said with her happiest smile. I kissed her nose and she rolled her eyes slightly, before wiping my kiss away with her hand.

"That was rude." I chuckled.

"It was itchy." She said almost too quietly for me to hear. I laughed softly, and hugged her closer to my body.

"I'm sorry for causing an itch, lovely." I whispered. She chuckled again.

"I forgive you, my husband." She said with a smile.

"Thank you, my wife." I chuckled. I liked hearing those words, they made everything seem more real. The cab went silent again.

"No, thank you Kian. You've given meaning and love to my life. Your my everything." She whispered. I was shocked by her sudden affectionate words.

"Well, you've done the same for me. I had nothing before I met you, now I have everything I could ever want."

"And what's that?" Jane asked with a mischievous grin.

"You, Jane. I have you."

Thank you for reading! This is the end of this book. I hope you enjoyed!

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