Aro's Threat

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Aro's and the others' eyes piercing gazes fell on me. I heard Jane sniffle quietly.

Was she crying, because I was going to die?

That must be it.

I looked at her and smiled weakly. I didn't want her to be upset, especially not over me. She shouldn't care for me. She would move on, she'd forget about me. I was just another servant.

"Welcome yet again, young Kian. You do visit us quite often, don't you?" Aro purred.

"Aro please, if your going to kill me, just get it over with. I don't need this act you insist on putting on." I stated rudely. Aro was in front of me in an instant. A sharp hand hit my face and I sunk my head lower. My arms were still being held behind my back by Demetri.

"I'm sorry, master Aro." I mumbled.

"Normally I would kill you after what you've done." He said coldly. "But, Jane seems to have taken a liking to you. She enjoys your company, and I strive to keep my coven happy."

Bullshit. I thought.

"And since Jane seems to have become attached to you. I will not kill you." He stated. He folded his arms, I took a breath of relief. "Today." He added. My nervousness returned instantly.

"If anything like this ever happens again, I will kill you without hesitation." He stated maliciously.

"Thank you, Master Aro." I said humbly. I didn't look up from the floor.

"No need to thank me yet, you are still going to be punished." He sneered. Of course. I was probably going to be bed ridden for a few days.

"Jane?" He motioned towards me with his hand. She shook her head at him, a look of fear on her face. I wanted to run to her and hug her, I wanted to make her laughter and smiles return.

"I suggest you do as I say Jane. Disobedience will do you no good." He scolded.

She met my eyes, she looked like she could burst into tears at any moment. I gave her a reassuring nod and she sighed.

A sharp pain covered my body. I fell loosely, but didn't hit the floor I was still being held up.

The pain increased, and I groaned in agony. The burning covered my entire body. I felt like I was on fire. This must have been what Jane felt when her village was burning her at the stake. The pain continued to increase slowly.

I cried out and tears started to fall down my face. I was starting to have a hard time thinking straight.

"Gah!" I yelped as a new intense wave washed over me. The world went dark around me and there was only on explanation I could think of: Alec.

The pain continued to increase and I lost it, I screamed and let out long wailing sobs. The pain consumed my mind and I could think of nothing else. I felt my knees hit the floor roughly, but the pain from that felt like a tap compared to everything else I was feeling.

Could Jane kill me with her gift? Surely death would be better than this. I was actually hoping for death, so I could be released from this burning hell.

How long was this going to last?

How much more could my body take?

Would this last forever?

Wait, where am I?

What's going on?

A long dark endless void was seen in every direction. The pain was still there and it was making it hard to concentrate. I stayed there doing nothing. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even remember how I had gotten here. I could barely remember my name.

I tried to call out, but the burning agony prevented that. I slowly felt myself losing hope. My mind went blank, and the only thing I noticed was the stinging and painful stabs all over my blazing body.

I slowly stopped struggling and accepted my fate in this black endless void. The pain began to lessen, until I fell into a state of unconsciousness.


I stood in what appeared to be in a church. There was a large stained glass window on the back wall lighting up the empty room. The glass showed a picture of a blossoming cherry tree. A light piano played in the distance, although I didn't see an instrument anywhere.

The room was decorated with light pink bouquets of flowers, white ribbon and glowing candles. I walked up the isle which was paved with white petals. Alec stood under a large flower archway at the end. He was wearing a tux and had some kind of book in his hand. He was the only other person in the chruch.

He didn't look like the Alec I knew. He seemed happy and carefree. His eyes were full of love and compassion and I wasn't scared of him anymore. I walked up to him with a grin portraying that I meant no harm. I stood next to him and waited for him to acknowledge me.

"Nervous brother?" He asked happily. He gave me a wide grin and patted me on the back. I nodded not knowing what he was talking about. Did he call me brother?

The light piano music began to grow louder, and in the corner of my eye I saw someone walking toward me. I turned around and faced the most beautiful person I had ever seen.

Jane was wearing a long white dress, her hair was curled and her beautiful smile beamed up at me. I heard the gasp escape my lips. She stared at me a look of pure joy on her face.

I grinned back at her, unable to hold in my joy at seeing her. She walked up the isle and stood across from me. I grabbed her hands in mine, and she stroked her thumbs across the back of it lovingly.

"I love you." She announced happily. I looked into her red eyes, which used to scare me but now they brought me unspeakable happiness.

"I love you." I answered her, the same level of happiness in my voice as hers held.

"Forever?" She questioned. She raised her eyebrows slightly, and fluttered her eyelashes.



I felt a hand on my shoulder, and a light angelic voice sang out to me.

"Kian? Kian? Wake up!" The voice demanded. I groaned groggily. What happened and where was I?

"Kian! Open your eyes!" The voice yelled, I wondered why she was so panicked. I did as she was told and was met by Jane's comforting gaze.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her worry visible on her face. I looked closer at her, there was tears running down her cheeks and she looked like she was in pain.

"I'm fine." I whispered, my voice sounded weak and unsure.

She wrapped me in an embrace. I was shocked at her sudden physical display of emotion. "Thank god." She mumbled into my ear.

Love is Pain II Jane X OC IIWhere stories live. Discover now