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I watched Artie storm down the hallway. He turned into the laundry room to work. I knew he washed clothes to clear his mind. That was obviously what he was doing. Jane walked up behind me silently.

"What are you looking for?" She asked.

"Artie just stormed off." I told her.

"Well, do you want to go after him? We can skip lessons today." She offered.

"Oh god no, I don't want to skip lessons." I would never pass up an opportunity to spend the day with Jane, in exchange for a day knee deep in black cloaks. She gave me a Jane smile and strolled to her office.

"Do you mind putting away that stack of books?" She asked as we entered.

"Of course, Jane." I agreed.

I began to put away the books with ease. I had become rather good at the Latin alphabet even though I still couldn't speak it. I began to hum a song that had been stuck in my head. I was humming quietly, so I wouldn't interrupt Jane.

"What are you doing Kian?" She asked, she sounded amused.

"I'm putting away your books." I knew she was talking about my humming, but I was avoiding her question. Apparently I had been humming too loudly.

"No, what are you singing?" She clarified.

"A song." I stated. I had remembered where the song had came from, and I wasn't about to tell Jane.

"Which one?" She questioned impatiently. I didn't answer. A sharp pain shot through my chest. "Come on, tell me."

"I was humming 'Suddenly'!" I blurted out. I felt my face turn red.

"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with this song, could you elaborate." She asked sweetly.

"It's... uh... from a movie." I explained.

"Kian you stubborn ass." She mumbled.
"What kind of movie?"

"A... musical." I could feel the embarrassment growing in my cheeks. Jane raised a surprised eyebrow.

"Really?" She chuckled. "You watch musicals. Which one?" She was failing to hide the amusement in her tone.

"I'd rather not say." Another sharp pain hit me. "Please." I begged.

"Tell me!" She demanded.

"Les Misérables." I whispered. Jane let out a laugh. My face became hot with embarrassment.

"I couldn't hear you, could you repeat yourself." She chortled. I gave her a pleading look, but she ignored it. "Go on!" She prompted.

"The song is from Les Misérables, Jane." I stated. Why was she finding so much joy in my embarrassment? She continued to laugh and giggle.

"Would you sing it for me, Kian?" She teased.

"Absolutely not." I stated firmly. She looked at me, she smiled widely but stopped laughing. I went back to organizing books. It was quiet for a good few minutes.

"Do you read romance novels, in your freetime as well?" Jane joked. I looked at her, I was shocked at her witty nature. Had she always been like this? Did I just not notice?

"Jane for the love! What do you find so funny about this?" I chided playfully.

"I never thought of you as the musical type, and your face is bright red." She said light heartedly. I turned to hide my face, which made Jane laugh louder. I ignored her laughter and continued to work on the task she assigned me earlier. Jane eventually stopped laughing and continued to read her book.

A light knock was heard on the door, I tensed and prayed to god it was just Artie. Jane floated over to the door and opened it slowly.

"Good morning sister." Alec's voice sent a shiver up my spine. I hadn't seen him since he whipped me.

"Good morning Alec." She nodded. Unlike me she seemed happy with Alec's arrival.

"I've come to get you, Aro wants to talk." His voice was gloomy, apparently he wasn't to excited about it. I felt his gaze pierce the back of my head.

"Jane what are you doing with this servant boy?" He asked with a scoff.

"He's cleaning." She stated. Alec shrugged and walked away.

"Just keep yourself busy, I'll be back soon." She instructed. I nodded my head, relieved she didn't send me to my room. She followed after Alec swiftly.

I finished putting the books away quickly, because I wasn't distracted by Jane's silly antics. I wondered what Aro wanted to see Jane about. Was it because she was gone yesterday, if that was the case I'd feel awful. I didn't know if they would get mad at her or not for that.

I grew impatient and started to pace around the room. I ran a hand through my messy hair. What if Aro reads her? He'll know where we went and exactly what I did with Jane. We had slow danced! Would Aro want to see me? Would he read me? If he did he would find out about the dreams I've been having, and that last one I had wouldn't be easily excused.

It felt like an eternity of pacing back and forth. I'm sure my hair looked crazy, from the amount of times I had run my hand through it.

The door swung open and it was one of the guards, Demetri I think.

I was going to die.

It's crazy the amount of times I've thought that this week.

"Aro is expecting you." I nodded and followed behind him quickly.

I walked into the dreaded room where Aro, Cauis, Marcus, Felix, Chelsea, Alec and Jane stood. Demetri grabbed my arms and held them behind my back. They were all staring at me except for Jane. Her eyes were on the floor and her arms were folded. Her eyes were red rimmed, like she had been crying. I wanted to hug her tight, I didn't want her to hurt because of me.

"Welcome yet again, young Kian. You do visit us quite often, don't you?" The chilling voice of Aro rang in my ears. I nodded my head and waited for the sweet release of death.

Love is Pain II Jane X OC IIWhere stories live. Discover now