Hunting Innocents

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Me and Jane followed Felix and Demetri out the door. We walked quickly through the hallway, and I was excited to see I could keep up with ease. We walked out of the Volturi's home into the dark alleyway. The sky was clear and stars were starting to show. I wondered how long I had been unconscious.

Jane never removed her hand from mine. We sped through the town, and jumped over the wall. I loved the feeling of agility and coordination I had. I saw every small rock on the ground and could position myself perfectly so I wouldn't make any noise when I hit the ground. Jane looked at me with a huge smile and released my hand.

"Are you ready?" She questioned. I looked at her in confusion.

"For?" I asked. She smiled wider and she sprinted off faster than I had ever seen. I ran after her, and the ground beneath me blurred. The wind ripped past my face and whistled in my ears. This was exhilarating!

I quickly caught up to Jane, and she glanced back at me with a smile. Felix and Demetri were somewhere behind us, but I wasn't paying attention to them. Jane's hair shined in the moonlight. I ran close to her, and gave her an excited laugh. She turned to me with an amused smile.

We ran through forests and over hills. This was like a dream, I couldn't believe what had happened during these past few days. Everything I ever wanted, I had. I had Jane, forever.

We came across a small farm house in the middle of large fields. We all stopped right outside the house, and Jane stared up at the window in the second story. It was opened and the drapes were blowing in the wind. Jane gave me a nervous look, and started to speak quietly.

"There is a young couple up there. You can have them both, I'll take the boy downstairs." She whispered. I swallowed nervously and nodded my head.

"What about them?" I motioned my head towards Felix and Demetri.

"They aren't hunting, they are just making sure you don't leave. You're still on trial." Jane informed me. I nodded, and waited for Jane to instruct me on what to do.

"I need you to listen to me Kian. When you go up there your instincts will fight to take over, allow it to happen. If you fight it, things will only be worse for you. Your instincts are to kill them and drain them quickly, you don't need to cause them anymore pain than you have too." She instructed.

"Okay." I stated. Jane gave me a satisfied nod, and jumped into the window silently. I followed her in with just as much stealth. The room was dark and the couple were asleep in bed. My throat burned horribly and I felt myslef slipping. I did what Jane had said, and even though I was scared I let my instincts take control.

I stalked up to my prey quietly, and brought my fangs to his neck. I drained him quicky, and did the same to his wife. The taste of their blood was the most delicious thing I had ever drank, and I craved more. Jane had left to feed from from the boy. I stared at the two corpses and felt horribly guilty. I had just killed two innocents.

I walked around the room, unsure if whether I should leave or not. I noticed a mirror on the wall and I walked up to it. A very handsome man stared back at me with red eyes. It took me a second to realize it was me. I observed my face, I was pale and no longer looked sickly, I looked strong and dangerous. I turned around and observed the couple in more detail. They were both young and they both could be considered pretty. I felt awful for ending their life. I jumped out the window unable to look at them anymore.

I stared up at the house until Jane climbed through the window. She dropped down to my side and gave me a light kiss on the cheek. She grabbed both my hands and turned me around so I was facing her.

"What's bothering you Kian? I know that look." Jane asked me in concern.

"I just killed those people." I whispered. She pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"I know it's hard at first, but you'll get used to it. Trust me." She comforted. I nodded and sighed deeply. She let go and started running back home. I followed closely behind her, and eventually we were back in Volterra. Demetri and Felix hadn't said a word to either of us this whole time.

We walked into the stone hallways, and Jane led me into her office. Without warning I was pinned against the wall, and Jane was kissing me passionately. I pushed back and soon she was the one against the wall. We kissed for what seemed like hours. We didn't have to catch our breath, and we never grew tired. I wasn't sure if we were ever going to stop. I wouldn't mind if we didn't.

I ran a hand through Jane's hair and she pinned me to the ground. I heard the floor crack under us. I hadn't realized how badly our clothes were torn, my shirt looked like a bunch of rags tied together with string. Jane's dress wasn't any better. We had taken off our cloaks a while ago. She ran a hand down my side, and I moaned lightly. I rolled over on top of her and kissed her deeply, causing her own adorable noise of pleasure to be heard.

This was perfect. I'd never been happier.

Love is Pain II Jane X OC IIDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora